Academic Journal Indexing -Top 9 sites to index your academic journal


Academic Journal Indexing -Top 9 sites to index your academic journal

The term Journals is not common to a lot of people because only a few know what it is all about. Journals are common amongst academicians and it is simply a site where academic publications are being uploaded and this publication are from experiments being carried out by the authors.

There are several things to note before publishing an academic paper but we would not talk about that here as we are more focused on the visibility of a journal.

The goal of any journal is to have its papers indexed on different indexing bodies across the world especially top indexing bodies as this can boost the visibility of the author so take note of the top 10 indexing bodies outlined below:

Google Scholar

Google Scholar had to be the first on our list as this is the search engine for journals and if your website cannot be found on Google Scholar, then it would be a waste as this is the number one indexing body for journals.

 There are several ways to add a journal to Google Scholar and in the past, there was a way that one could add his website manually to Google scholar but that feature is presently disabled and so the only way is to have a platform that supports automatic Google scholar indexing.

Ojs platform is the best platform that allows for automatic adding of papers to google scholar so if you might want to consider switching to it if you are not currently using it.


Core is second on our list because it is very easy to index your journal with them and the basic requirements for indexing are OAI. OAI stands for Open Archive Initiative and once you submit your website’s OAI, then the website would extract papers once they are added on the site also, the OJS platforms supports and also an OAI link that you can submit.


Scopus is one of the oldest and popular indexing bodies in the world with a domain rating of 86 and 30,867 backlinks which makes it very good for indexing a journal.  The requirements for indexing a journal in Scopus is very high so ensure that your journal is of high quality before proceeding to submit it.

Iji Factor

Iji Factor is one of the largest non-profit indexing bodies for journals and if you want to index your journals, visit the website address and follow the procedures outlined on the indexing page.


This is my favourite indexing body because it is very easy to use though it is very tedious indexing a body on this website. On Index Corpernicus, one has to upload the papers manually after creating an account and if you have a website already, then it would be worse because you would have to do the same work over again.


Ajol stands for African Journals online and it was created in the year 1998 and it is the largest indexer of African journals. Indexing a journal on Ajol requires you to fill a form and the review process can take a very long period of time.

The review process is one of the stumbling blocks and once you can scale through, then you can upload the articles of your journals.

International Scientific Indexing

ISI is an indexing body that is open to journals from all parts of the world and you can follow the steps below to submit your journal

  • Visit ISI website
  • Scroll down and click on Submit a journal
  • Input your journal details and click on submit

Public Knowledge Project

Public Knowledge Project is also known as PKP it the producer of the popular free journal platform OJS (Open Journal Software). Indexing your journal on PKP requires you to submit your OAI and once you have done that, papers would be automatically extracted.


Academia is a platform that is open to everybody especially those that are into academic publishing. Journals cannot be indexed directly but you can publish your paper and submit the details and it would become visible.

We could not list all the top indexing bodies in the world due to the nature of this article also note that there is no maximum amount of indexing bodies that one can submit his/her journal to so if you have not submitted your journal for indexing in any of the following listed above, then go ahead and do so.

Finally, please drop any other indexing sites that you might want us to add in the comment section below.

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