Acting With Integrity – Definition Of Integrity And Examples


Integrity is a quality that we should strive to embody in our daily lives. In addition to being a virtuous and ethical trait, it helps to build trust with others and promotes self-confidence. Furthermore, as you consistently demonstrate integrity, more people are likely to vouch for you and your reputation will improve.

Integrity refers to a strong commitment to a set of moral or artistic principles, which involves being incorruptible. It involves behaving honourably, even in the absence of supervision.

Individuals who possess integrity adhere to moral and ethical standards in all areas of their lives. This article aims to reveal traits of integrity and provide guidance on how to incorporate them into our daily routines.

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Attributes Of Integrity

According to Alan Cohen, being integrity means that there is harmony between your external actions and your internal values and beliefs. In other words, you are living a life that aligns with your true self. Below are some qualities of honesty and morality that you ought to apply both in private and public settings.


People who possess integrity are appreciative when others offer help. They show their gratitude and acknowledge the accomplishments of others. To display appreciation, it is important to always express thanks when someone does a favour for you, assists you, or takes time out of their busy schedule for you.


To hold in high regard or esteem, to refrain from interfering or violating, and to acknowledge the importance of something or someone is to show respect. Respect, which is also known as esteem, refers to a positive sentiment or behaviour towards someone or something that is deemed significant or esteemed.


Characterized by honesty and moral uprightness, demonstrating sincerity and not involving any deceit or fraudulence; authentic. Just and impartial, exhibiting fairness and equity.


To show that you are reliable, refrain from making commitments that you cannot fulfil. In case you are incapable of finishing a task or meeting a deadline, make sure to inform others as soon as possible. If someone confides in you with personal information, make sure to treat it with respect and keep it confidential.


Individuals who possess integrity are responsible for their actions, and they are also efficient and take initiative to ensure that they fulfil their duties.


People with integrity are willing to assist others who require aid. This could manifest as devoting their time to a task without being prompted.


Individuals who possess integrity have the ability to handle difficult situations, unexpected hindrances, and delays while remaining composed.

Examples Of Integrity In Daily Life

There are multiple approaches to incorporating integrity into all aspects of our daily routine;

  • To maintain integrity, it is important to avoid sharing confidential information with others.
  • Remaining truthful and transparent with your partner is crucial, and keeping secrets should be avoided.
  • Following through on commitments and promises made is a key aspect of integrity.
  • Acknowledging and admitting to one’s mistakes is a sign of integrity.
  • If you notice that a cashier has given you too much change back, it is important to inform them.
  • Keeping promises, even if it requires extra effort, is a crucial part of maintaining integrity.
  • If you realize that you forgot to pay for something at a store, it is important to go back and pay for it.
  • Betraying a friend’s trust should never be done, even if it means getting in trouble.
  • Gossiping or speaking negatively about others should be avoided to maintain integrity.
  • If you find money or other lost items, it is important to return them without expecting a reward.
  • Ignoring someone’s advice on how to cheat on taxes without getting caught is a sign of integrity.
  • Taking responsibility for one’s actions and not letting someone else take the blame is crucial to maintain integrity.
  • If someone shares confidential information with you, it is important to keep it confidential and not tell anyone.
  • When a relationship is over, it is important to discuss it openly and not drag it out unnecessarily to maintain integrity.
  • Stick to your work schedule and avoid socializing, snacking, browsing the internet, or making personal phone calls during work hours.
  • Return any extra change you find in the vending machine for snacks or drinks.
  • Show respect to your colleagues through appropriate conversations and empathy.
  • If you are a manager, keep your employees informed about upcoming plans and tasks.
  • Follow company policies and procedures.
  • Be accountable and do what you promised to do.
  • Use office materials only for work purposes, not for personal use.
  • If you make a mistake that affects your team’s project or misses a deadline, take responsibility for it and do not blame your teammates.
  • Foster teamwork to build trust and demonstrate integrity.
  • Never steal office supplies.
  • If you find yourself in a conflict of interest, remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.
  • Do not accept credit for someone else’s work, including stealing their ideas or pretending to have worked on a successful project.
  • When making business deals, disclose all relevant information and do not leave anything out.
  • If your company asks you to do something that goes against your personal code of ethics, refuse the request. If necessary, look for a more ethical company to work for.
  • Be honest and open about your feelings.
  • Encourage children to discuss the natural consequences of their actions and how they can handle situations differently in the future.
  • Foster a supportive environment where family members feel comfortable apologizing and accepting apologies.
  • Reward honest, kind, and considerate behaviour with positive consequences.
  • Parents should demonstrate moderate reactions to minor situations so that children won’t feel the need to lie to avoid getting into trouble.
  • Keep communication open so that children can discuss difficult topics from their day.
  • Provide opportunities for children to be independent and self-sufficient.
  • Allow siblings to resolve their own conflicts.
  • Help children become role models for younger siblings or other kids.
  • Emphasize personal growth and development for everyone.
  • Stay involved in each other’s lives and support each other through difficult times.
  • Avoid using judgemental language or behaviour.


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