Application letter Writing – 4 parts to an acceptable application letter


Application letter Writing – 4 parts to an acceptable application letter

An application letter is that essential item that adds more personality to your resume or curriculum vitae, here is a detailed description of who you are, your background, work history, etc.

An application letter otherwise seen as a cover letter or a motivational letter is a single-page document that introduces the history, professional skills, and personal interests of a job seeker.

This application letter that we are going to expand on is expected to shoulder the contents of your resume or curriculum vitae. Emphasis cannot be further stretched on this the cesspool of unemployment has broadened its jaw to a daunting length making a number of aspirants and candidates contemptible victims to a plight of fruitless labours, individually no one is compatible with the idea of rejection, talk more of the reality.

Getting a job of recent is not something you walk past by every day. One sure way to bastardize the chance of suffering from chronic rejections is by writing an acceptable application letter that stands out, you might be skilled in a number of areas like pushing a firm to outgun competitors, or cooking up possible ways to beat the status quo so far reality chart is concerned but who would know you as any of that?

Typically you are anonymous, and insignificant what your application says about you is the conjecture any mentally abled individual would wake up one morning to follow.

Are you still puzzled about the significance of an application letter? Well here is “x” marks the spot;

An application letter has a central goal, a unique purpose that is designed to help you secure an interview with your prospective employer. It is penned down as an introduction, as earlier defined, that highlights your basic attributes and possible reasons why you are well-suited for the Job.

Is that clear?

Before writing an application letter it would be best to understand what the content is to be made of

  • YOUR NAME(first and last name)
  • Phone number (currently in use)
  • Email (one that is professional, like the one that has your name)
  • Mailing address(optional)
  • LinkedIn/portfolio/ website (optional)
  • hiring manager’s name (first and last name)
  • Company address
  • Company phone number
  • Hiring manager’s contact details (Email address and phone number)

Salutation (Dear Mr./Mrs) Name

Always be sure to address to whom the letter is written to, by name, and avoid the use of Dear sir, if you do not know the name expected to fill the blank spot, make efforts to carry out research concerning that.

Sites like LinkedIn are well recognized for harbouring information of that sort. If there is a case whereby your research proves futile (which there rarely is) you can substitute whatever intended salutation for the likes of Dear, Department of, Dear service of—and then input the name of the department or service.

Do not write as if you are accustomed to or familiar with the person, do not add “what’s up” and avoid making inquiries or asking how was their day—if their day is going badly is there a thing you can do to influence that?

Introductory/opening paragraph

Begin this with relevant information, your sentences should comprise of

  • Reason for the letter
  • Job being advertised
  • Company name
  • Relevant years of experience
  • How you learn about the job
  • What stimulated your interest in it


Dear Mr. Anyawu Iboje

My name is Donald Amaru, I’m writing to apply for the position of a content creator and brand ambassador that was advertised in the Daily Punch by Free Cheer To Oscar Ltd. As requested, I enfolded a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and a couple of other references…

Be sure that you input the appropriate titles failure to do so might get your application side-lined owning to the thought that you might have vented out a non-specific application letter

Body of the letter

You have to be convincing here, it is demanding, and it is mandatory that the body of your application letter discuss your good side.

Fashion the paragraph housing the body of the letter to contain samples of your dominant qualified skills and attribute that is if you actually are interested in securing the job, accomplishments and work experience should also be outlined.

All these should be adjusted till they all speak in one voice as to why you are most compatible for the job. For convenience it is advisable to highlight relevant achievements and daring skills in bullet points doing so would make it apparent to the manager and easily perceived.

Here are some things to add to make you indispensable (strictly for job aspirants with work experience)

  • Professional achievements: when writing this, ask your self did I exceed expectations? Have I ever exceeded expectations? Did I exceed the target for production? Was I ever able to make a customer satisfied? What influence did I have on the growth of my previous job? Have I ever achieved any objective of major demands?
  • Professional commendation: have I ever been complimented for my indispensability? Have I ever appeared as an essential asset? Have I ever received any ovation of any sort standing or not? Have I ever been used as an example?
  • Professional honor: have I ever been a staff of the week? Month? Year? How did my formal employer take the news of my resignation?

The answers to the above should be part of your letter. E.g.

I have been constantly appraised by colleagues, the management board, and prospects for my formidable zeal to influence purchases as well as my convincing sales copy which contributed a significant 20percent to the growth of the company. In 2015 I was pronounced the employee of the week by AA.DEFONT ltd. twice, consecutively. Come 2017, I was called out and handed the employee of the year honorary title by the same company. With my skill set, it is already certain that I would be a pungent asset at Free Cheer To Oscar ltd.  And contribute to most of its growth, success, and development.


While writing the conclusion, never fail to display your interest and reinstate the major reason why you are fit for the job, see it as bragging without the excessive show of pride. Also, input which is preferable whether to be contacted via phone call or email upon doing so, indicate when you’d become available. Conclude fully with either of the following:

Sincerely, Best regards, Best

Your name

Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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