What Is Eclampsia?Eclampsia In Pregnancy

Eclampsia represents the ultimate stage of preeclampsia and demands urgent medical intervention. The majority of cases are identified at an early stage during pregnancy, preventing the progression to eclampsia.

Eclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition characterized by seizures, which may manifest as convulsions. It arises from a preceding disorder known as preeclampsia, characterized by high blood pressure. In preeclampsia, the elevated blood pressure in the pregnant mother hampers the blood flow to the fetus, resulting in reduced delivery of oxygen and nutrients necessary for optimal development.

Most pregnancies affected by eclampsia or preeclampsia occur in pregnant women for the first time. Although untreated eclampsia can lead to fatal outcomes, maternal deaths due to this condition are uncommon in developed nations. In most instances, the symptoms of preeclampsia are mild and do not necessitate intervention beyond regular monitoring and potentially making dietary adjustments.


causes of eclampsia

Researchers have yet to identify the exact causes of eclampsia. However, it is commonly observed following preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy and postpartum, although the latter is rare. Additional indicators, such as protein in the urine, may also be present. If preeclampsia worsens and affects the brain, leading to seizures, it is diagnosed as eclampsia.

While the precise cause of preeclampsia remains uncertain, medical professionals believe it stems from abnormal development and functioning of the placenta. They can explain how the symptoms associated with preeclampsia can progress to eclampsia.

Risk Factors

Risk factors are factors that increase the likelihood of developing eclampsia. The following are some of the risk factors associated with this condition:

1. Pregnancy History

The majority of preeclampsia cases occur in women during their first pregnancies. Additionally, previous pregnancies with adverse outcomes can elevate the risk of developing eclampsia.

2. Patient Age

Teenage pregnancies and pregnancies in women over 35 have a heightened risk of developing eclampsia.

3. Family History

Preeclampsia or eclampsia in family members may indicate a genetic susceptibility to the condition.

4. Obesity

Obese women are more likely to develop eclampsia than individuals with lower body weight.

5. High Blood Pressure

Individuals with a history of chronic hypertension (long-term high blood pressure) have a higher risk of developing eclampsia than those without this condition.

other medical condition which can increase eclampsia risk includes lupus, gestational diabetes, renal disease


In many cases, the symptoms of eclampsia are minimal until it progresses to a full-blown condition. Furthermore, these symptoms can manifest at any point during pregnancy. The following are the symptoms that individuals may potentially experience:

    1. Intense headaches
    2. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy
    3. Nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
    4. Swelling of the hands, feet, and face
    5. Muscle pain
    6. Seizures

When Do You Need a Doctor?eclampsia

While it is important to visit your doctor for prenatal care regularly, it is crucial to schedule an appointment promptly if you notice any symptoms associated with preeclampsia or eclampsia.

Moreover, individuals who encounter bleeding, severe headaches, or decreased fetal movement should seek immediate medical attention from their healthcare provider.

During routine prenatal visits, the doctor will conduct blood and urine tests to assess the presence of the following indicators:

  1. protein in the urine
  2. high blood pressure
  3. liver function


The sole means of treating the symptoms of eclampsia is by delivering the baby. Allowing the pregnancy to progress while the mother is affected by eclampsia can lead to complications.

Typically, the symptoms of eclampsia subside within approximately 6 weeks after childbirth. However, in rare instances, essential organs may be damaged. Therefore, women must communicate their symptoms to their healthcare provider to ensure proper monitoring and care.

If an individual encounters symptoms resembling those mentioned earlier, scheduling an appointment without delay is vital. Individuals must be aware of their risk factors and communicate them to the doctor during their initial appointment, ensuring the healthcare provider is prepared for the potential diagnosis.

The prescribed course of action by the doctor may vary depending on the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, dietary modifications, bed rest, or medications may be recommended to lower blood pressure and mitigate the risk of seizures.

Antiseizure medications can also be administered as a preventive measure against seizures if severe preeclampsia progresses to eclampsia.