Food High In Vitamin E – 10 Foods That Are High In Vitamin E For Skin, Hair, And Heart Health


Food High In Vitamin E – 10 Foods That Are High In Vitamin E For Skin, Hair, And Heart Health

Vitamin E is a crucial nutrient that offers more than just benefits for the skin and hair. It comprises a group of potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties and can eliminate free radicals to safeguard cells against oxidative damage.

Vitamin E also supports the immune system and prevents cancer and heart disease. Inadequate amounts of vitamin E can increase the likelihood of illnesses, infections, inflammatory diseases, muscle weakness, and eyesight impairments. Since vitamin E is fat-soluble, consuming it with dietary fat can enhance absorption.

Therefore, pairing vitamin E-rich foods with other fatty foods instead of non-greasy foods is advisable. Luckily, several foods contain some vitamin E, but the most bioactive form of the nutrient is alpha-tocopherol, which is present in the best dietary sources of vitamin E. To maintain optimal skin and overall health, continue reading for more information.

How Much Vitamin E Should You Take?

Individuals aged 14 and above are advised to consume 15mg of vitamin E daily. This amount can be obtained through a well-balanced diet. However, if necessary, oral supplements are an option, but it is crucial to be cautious. Overconsumption of vitamin E may result in adverse effects.

Which Of The Food Can You Get Vitamin E

Vitamin E can be found in various food groups, including fats like canola and olive oil, nuts and seeds like almonds and peanuts, meat, dairy, leafy greens, and fortified cereals. Here is a list of foods and their sources rich in vitamin E.

1. Sunflower SeedsSunflower Seeds: The Superfood You Might Be Missing Out On - Amrita Health  Foods

Sunflower seeds are an abundant source of iron, zinc, and selenium minerals, crucial for several enzymatic processes. Additionally, they are rich in vitamin E, with a 1-ounce serving containing around 10mg, equivalent to about two-thirds of the recommended daily value. It is noteworthy that while sunflower seeds are among the most abundant sources of vitamin E, most other seeds contain only negligible amounts of this nutrient.

2. Wheat Germ OilWheatgerm oil: Treats dryness, dark spots, scars & more - Times of India

Making wheat germ oil involves pressing the germ part of the entire wheat to extract the oil. This oil has a nutty flavour and is quite rich in vitamin E, with a tablespoon of the oil containing a high amount of 20 mg, equivalent to 133% of the daily recommended value. Although consuming whole wheat, a nutritionally complex carbohydrate, can also provide a decent amount of vitamin E, it may be diluted compared to the concentrated amount found in wheat germ oil.

3. PrawnsAre You a Prawn Newbie? We've Answered All Your Questions Here!

Some types of seafood are a good source of Vitamin E. For instance, consuming 3 ounces of prawns (approximately 12) can provide almost 2mg of Vitamin E. Blue crab, shrimp, and crayfish are other seafood options that can also provide around 12% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin E. Additionally, these seafood options contain essential nutrients like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and Vitamin B12, which are important for energy production and nerve impulse conduction.

4. Almonds9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

Several types of nuts are abundant in Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. While only a few seeds are known to be high in Vitamin E, many nuts can provide this nutrient. Almonds, for instance, are a great source of Vitamin E, with almost 7mg per ounce, equivalent to about half of the recommended daily intake.

Besides, almonds are also rich in other essential nutrients like magnesium, calcium, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids. Other nuts high in Vitamin E include pine nuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts. Nut oils such as hazelnut and almond oil are also excellent sources of Vitamin E. For example, one spoonful of hazelnut oil can contain up to 6.4mg (43% DV) of Vitamin E.

5. Butternut squashWhat Is Butternut Squash?

Fall and winter are seasons when Butternut Squash is commonly consumed due to its sweet, creamy flesh rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene, antioxidants that promote healthy eyesight. A serving of one cup of cooked butternut squash can provide 2.6mg of Vitamin E, which is beneficial for your health.

Although pumpkin and sweet potato contain less Vitamin E than butternut squash, they are still excellent sources of nutrition that can help you meet your dietary requirements for this antioxidant.

6. BroccoliHow to Roast Broccoli - Earthbound Farm

It is highly improbable that you will encounter an individual who does not acknowledge broccoli as a nutritional powerhouse. This vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family contains several nutrients, such as calcium, iron, vitamin C, and prebiotic fibres that nourish the beneficial bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract.

Additionally, one cup of cooked broccoli can provide you with 2.3mg of vitamin E, 15% of your recommended intake. To enhance absorption, you can pair your consumption of broccoli, a fat-free vitamin E source, with healthy fats.

7. AvocadoAvocado | Description, Types, History, Uses, & Facts | Britannica

Avocados are popular for their rich, velvety texture, abundant potassium levels, and beneficial fats. They contain a substantial amount of monounsaturated fats, which are known to promote cardiovascular health and are a key component of the Mediterranean diet.

Incorporating avocados into your diet may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, avocados are a great source of Vitamin E, containing approximately 4mg per avocado, equivalent to 28% of the recommended daily intake.

8. Olive oilAre You Using Your Olive Oil Wrong?

Various cooking oils are abundant in vitamin E; wheat germ oil is the most enriched. Other oils such as hazelnut, almond, rice bran, grapeseed, and sunflower seed oils are also excellent sources of vitamin E, providing at least 35% of the daily recommended intake in just one tablespoon.

On the other hand, olive oil contains a lower amount of vitamin E, approximately 2mg per tablespoon, equivalent to 14% of the daily value. Despite this, olive oil is still considered a valuable dietary component due to its common usage. Since oils are natural fats, the body can absorb vitamin E effectively.

9. Mango10 Health Benefits Of Mangoes | The Guardian Nigeria News - Nigeria and  World News — Guardian Life — The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World  News

Apart from avocados, various food items are abundant in vitamin E. Mamey sapote, a fruit from Mexico, is particularly high in vitamin E, providing around 25% of the recommended daily value in a single cup.

Other fruits such as mangoes, kiwi, and blackberries are also great sources of vitamin E, offering approximately 10% of the daily value per serving. Moreover, kiwis and blackberries are known for their high vitamin C content that helps prevent oxidative damage, boost immunity, and eliminate cellular waste.

10. TroutTrout definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Trout is a type of fish that contains 2mg of vitamin E per 3-ounce serving, equivalent to 14% of the recommended daily intake for this nutrient. Abalone, another type of seafood, is richer in vitamin E, supplying 3.4mg (23% of the daily value) in a three-ounce serving. Salmon, a well-known fish, is also a great source of vitamin E and offers other beneficial nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, potassium, and vitamin B12 that can help reduce inflammation. In addition to these fish, canned tuna and swordfish are rich in vitamin E.

Jael Okwuchukwu
Jael Okwuchukwu
I am Okwuchukwu Jael, a writer, educator, and musician from Enugu State. Teaching, both academic and musical, is a passion of mine, and I specialize as a Western pianist. Currently, I am employed as a blogger at Writer's King LTD, combining my love for writing and desire to share knowledge with a broader audience.


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