Justice – Meaning, Types, And 10 Examples of Justice


Justice – Meaning, Types, And 10 Examples of Justice

Justice is a fundamental and widely debated goal of both the State and Society. It serves as the foundation for maintaining a well-organized and balanced human existence. The concept of justice entails the need to regulate self-centred behaviours, ensuring a fair distribution of resources, equal treatment of individuals with similar circumstances, and proportionate and equitable rewards for all.

Moreover, justice strives to achieve a harmonious balance between the interests of individuals and the collective interests of society. In this article, we will explain everything about justice.

What is justice

Justice is the implementation of actions under established laws. These rules can be based on either human consensus or societal norms to ensure equitable treatment for all individuals within a society.

Matters of justice emerge in various domains and hold considerable influence in generating, sustaining, and resolving conflicts. Societies with just institutions typically foster stability, well-being, and contentment among their members, whereas perceived injustices can trigger discontent, rebellion, or even revolution.

Types of justice

Below are the types of justice

1. Distributive justice

Distributive justice concerns the equitable allocation of resources within a community. “fair division” implies that all individuals have equal access to services and tangible goods. The underlying principle of distributive justice is rooted in the notion that everyone possesses equal moral worth.

This form of justice broadly impacts various aspects such as income, wealth, opportunities, employment, welfare, and infrastructure. Key principles guiding distributive justice include equity, meeting needs, and proportionality. While the fundamental definition of distributive justice is straightforward, determining how a society should ensure a fair distribution of resources is a complex endeavour.

2. Retributive justice

Retributive justice, also known as criminal justice, focuses on the appropriate punishment for crimes committed. Its core principle is that when individuals engage in wrongdoing, they should receive a punishment proportionate to their actions. Proportionality does not imply subjecting the wrongdoer to the same harm but rather ensuring a suitable and balanced response.

Scholars of retributive justice also emphasize the importance of impartiality, highlighting that justice should not be driven by personal vendettas or a desire for revenge. While many justice systems incorporate elements of retributive justice, its effectiveness remains a subject of debate. The flaws inherent in numerous criminal justice systems can lead to harm to innocent individuals or the unfair punishment of certain groups over others.

3. Restorative justice

Restorative justice emerged in the 1970s, drawing inspiration from Indigenous justice practices. It places a primary emphasis on assisting crime victims while also seeking to help offenders comprehend the impact of their actions. The objective is not punishment but rather restoration and healing.

Essential principles of restorative justice include engagement, accountability, cooperation, and community involvement. While restorative justice practices have been implemented in criminal justice cases, they have also found application in resolving conflicts within families, schools, and workplaces.

Unlike retributive justice, restorative justice shifts the focus away from what criminals deserve. Instead, it concentrates on meeting the needs of victims for healing and promoting measures within communities to prevent re-offending.

Examples Of Justice

1. virtue signalling

This occurs when an individual seeks to enhance social standing by supporting popular causes. It may involve a pursuit of justice, wherein the individual publicly denounces inappropriate conduct or seeks to punish those accused of wrongdoing socially.

2. Moral Panic

Fear and misinformation fuel an excessive quest for justice, which generates instances of injustice.

3. Natural Law

Natural law refers to the concept of an inherent and universal truth about justice that can be universally applied to all circumstances.

4. Bias

Biases are enduring cognitive distortions that often envelop matters about justice.

5. Values

Values are core convictions held by an individual, group, or society. An individual’s values shape their perception of justice, influencing their perspectives and judgments.

6. Ethics and Moral

Ethics and morals represent principles that guide individuals, groups, or systems in distinguishing between right and wrong. In theory, these principles serve as a basis for fostering justice.

7. Mob Rule

This is frequently carried out based on hearsay or unverified information, bypassing proper legal procedures and leading to instances of injustice.

8. Civility

Civility encompasses the responsibility to engage with a fair system sincerely, aiming to achieve justice per the principles of the rule of law.

9. Rights and Freedom

This constitutes a vital aspect of justice that safeguards individuals from the burden of laws, rules, and regulations that might impede their pursuit of happiness.

10. Right Of Revolution

This refers to the entitlement or responsibility to dismantle an exceedingly oppressive system.

Jael Okwuchukwu
Jael Okwuchukwu
I am Okwuchukwu Jael, a writer, educator, and musician from Enugu State. Teaching, both academic and musical, is a passion of mine, and I specialize as a Western pianist. Currently, I am employed as a blogger at Writer's King LTD, combining my love for writing and desire to share knowledge with a broader audience.


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