Next Action After NYSC Online Registration
We believe that most of you have registered successfully, though we are not ignorant to the fact that some prospective corps members are having issues with their NYSC online registration.
If you have registered, its time you started getting things needed for NYSC orientation camp ready so that you wont miss any of the documents or items you’ll need in camp.
Also Read: Make Money During NYSC service year- Version 1
Requirements for NYSC registration and the locations of orientation camps in Nigeria
Steps to Correct NYSC wrong date of birth
To place order for complete NYSC kits and pay for it when it gets to your door step, CLICK HERE.
NYSC orientation camp is fun. You can learn how to start your life after the service year during the SAED programme in camp which will last for 1week with intensive practical lectures.
Ask us possible questions as regards preparation for the 21day orientation in NYSC camp and we’ll gladly answer you.
We love you and will keep the information coming your way FREE OF CHARGE.
Thanks for the info…. I just can’t wait to get my call-up number printed to know exact place I’m going to for service.
Hello, while doing my Nysc registration, I found out that my month of birth was changed to March 2 1993 instead of May 2 1993…. Hope it wont affect in camp pls
I hav don my reg b4 d fand out dat my det ov bet iz inkoret and i dont whot 2 do again
During my jamb regularization i didn’t print anything so i want print it now, how i am going to do please help out?
My surname is akinyemi but it came as akinyomi for nysc Senate list, av done it on dash board hope no effect on camp