Important Facts To Know About The NYSC Online Registration And Service Year


Important Facts To Know About The NYSC Online Registration And Service Year

Hard to rectify mistakes during NYSC online registration

Kindly take note and try to avoid these during registration:

  1. Registration by proxy: Registration by proxy is when you are busy or far away and want your friend or someone else to do your registration for you. You are to note that affected PCM can not register at camp because the biometrics is not his/hers
  2. Mixed up registration: some cyber cafe operators have the habit of registering more than one persons at a time in one computer by opening 2 or more tabs on the same browser. This causes mix-up in the PCMs information which is hard to rectify. You are advised to sit with the person registering you and make sure he doesn’t register another person at same time he registers you. When you want go somewhere before he finishes with u, tell him to log you out before he starts with another person.
  3. Don’t allow cafe operator to use his email address for you. If you don’t have email, let him create one for you and make sure he gives you the details…email address and the password. Keep them safe because you need them
  4. For married women, make sure you go with your marital documents, choose married online and upload them during registration. In the column to input your spouse surname, make sure you put the correct surname you are using after marriage.
  5. For sick person, make sure you indicate it and the type of sickness, also provide all other details and upload medical report
  6. For military and SSS, make sure you indicate and provide all other relevant info and upload the required documents.
  7. If you are a foreign trained graduate, make sure you read the registration requirements at and upload all required documents. Try to log into your account time to time for information asking you to update some of your documents. Failure to do so may lead you not mobilized eventually.

Also Read: Next action after NYSC online registration

If you had registered online before and gotten call-up number or letter but did not report to camp due to some reasons, you don’t have to register again. When the portal is opened for registration, you go online and click on re-validation, you would be prompted to login. Just login using your former email and password and choose three states. Submit your application and print your registration slip.

Also See: NYSC: Largest Orientation Camps In Nigeria

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Steps to Correct NYSC wrong date of birth

If you have any error on your details, you are advised to contact your school for corrections.
There are so many factors that may not allow you to see your name on-line:-
1. If your school is yet to upload, you can not see your name
2. If you search your name with matriculation number or surname different with the one uploaded by your school.
3. if you don’t have a valid jamb number.
4. if your jamb number is regularized and you fail to validate it from jamb database.
5. if the name you are using in school is different from the name you used when registering jamb.
If you are affected with any of the above, pls contact your school for rectification.

Also Check: How to get required medical certificate for NYSC Batch B stream II

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Make Money During NYSC service year- Version 1

Important terminologies to know:

  1. Green Card: This is the print out you get after NYSC online registration and on successful payment of N3045.
  2. Call-up number: This is the number allotted to you for identification after successful payment of N3045 via online or the bank option.
  3. Call-up letter: Call-up letter is used to notify a PCM on the state he/she has been posted to. You are expected to provide this alongside your statement of result and the Green card
  4. Orientation course: NYSC orientation course is a 21day programme that incorporates lots of activities geared towards enlightening the corps members on what the service year is all about
  5. PCM: This means Prospective Corps Member. A prospective corps member is one who has been mobilized but yet to be called-up for service.
  6. Swearing in: This is a one day programme meant to officially inaugurate or swear-in the corps members
  7. Passing out: This is the 3weeks of activities which ends in the Passing Out Parade (POP) of the serving corps members
  8. Primary assignment: This is where the corps member is posted to render his/her service after the compulsory 21days in camp (i.e. the Orientation exercise)
  9. Community Development service (CDS): This can be personal or group. It is service rendered or project embarked on so as to improve the well-being of the host community.
  10. Host community: This is the community where you were posted to serve.
  11. SAED: An acronym for Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Programme- It is a programme that is incorporated in the NYSC 21day orientation to inculcate in the corps members, the spirit of entrepreneurship towards being self-employed/reliant.
  12. Relocation/redeployment: This is done on the NYSC portal or during the orientation course. This happens when a married woman want to be moved back to the state where the husband resides or sometimes for physically challenged, where they are receiving medication.
  13. Clarion call: A call for service.

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Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.
  1. my school made mistake in my result, I complained,but they said I should go to camp like that,please will it stop me from going to camp?


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