Origin of Android OS Versions -Different versions of Android Operating System and its origin
Android operating is the most used mobile operating system and we listed it as the first on our post titles different types of operating systems in the world where we outlined all the operating systems available in the world.
Android Operating system is an open-source mobile operating system that was released on September 23 2008 and it is based on the modified version of the Linux kernel and other open software designed for torch screen smartphones and tablets.
The source code for android is known as the Android Open source project and recently, android OS has been used to power smartwatches all over the world.
Below is a list of some of the Android versions and please note that some are still in use while others have been phased out:
Android 2.3 Ginger Bread: Android Gingerbread is the seventh version of the Android operating system. The name gingerbread is the codename of the Android operating system and it was released in December 2010. Some of the features of gingerbread include:
- Update user interface design
- Support for near field communication
- Native support for SIP VoIP internet telephones
- Native support for more sensors
- New download manager
- Improved text input using the virtual keyboard
Android 4.0 Icecream Sandwich: This is the fourth version of the Android operating system and it was released on 19th October 2011 by google. Android 4.0 Icecream Sandwich is still in use and it has the following features:
- Visual Design
- User Experience: The default home screen displays a default google search bar across the top of the screen.
- Platform
Android Jelly Bean: Android jelly bean is the tenth version of the Android version that was released on July 13, 2012, but it was first unveiled at the Google I/O developer’s conference that took place on June 27, 2012. The jelly bean android OS focused on the following:
- User Experience
- Platform
Android 4.4 KitKat: Android 4.4 KitKat is the eleventh version of the Android operating system that was released on October 31 2013 with the kernel type monolithic kernel. Kitkat focused on optimizing the operating system for improved performance on entry-level devices with limited resources. The Android KitKat focused on improving two areas namely User experience and Platform.
Android (5.0/5.1)Lolipop: Android Lolipop is one of the fifth(5th) major versions of the Android operating system that was released on November 12th, 2014 but it was initially unveiled on June 25th, 2014 at the Google I/O conference.
Lolipop came with a redesigned user interface and improvements to the notifications which could now be accessed from the lock screen. These changes were the external changes and the internal change was the replacement of Dalvik with Android Runtime (ART).
Android (6.0) Marshmallow: Marshmallow is the 13th Android version and it was made available on 5th October, 2015. The first devices to receive the update were the Nexus devices.
The marshmallow version focused mainly on improving the user experience and it introduced the following new permissions architecture, new APIs for contextual assistants, a new power management system, native support for fingerprint recognition and USB-C connectors, and the ability to migrate data and applications to a microSD.
Android (7.0/7.1) Nougat: Android Nougat is the name for android versions 7.0 and 7.1. The android version 7.0 was released on 22nd August 2016 while Android version 7.1 was released on 4th October 2016. Some of the features of Nougat are changes to the OS and development platform, ability to display multiple apps on-screen, support for inline replies to notifications, expanded doze power-saving mode, Open JDK-based environment, and support for the Vulkan graphics rendering API.
Android (8.0/8.1) Oreo: Oreo is the name for Android version 8.0 and 8.1 with version 8.0 being released on 1st August 2017, and version 8.1 was released on 5th December 2017. Oreo is the 15th Android version and it has the following features notifications grouping, picture-in-picture support for video, improvements, and battery usage optimization, support for auto fillers, Bluetooth 5, System-level integration with VoIP apps, wide colour gamut, and Wifi Aware.
Android (9) Pie: Pie is the 16th Android version and it was released on 6th August 2018. From statistics, it can be seen that 21.29% of Android devices run Android pie and it brought an improvement to the following areas: Platform, and User experience.
Android 10: Android 10 is the 17th version of the Android operating system that was released on 3rd September 2019. Android 10 is used on 43.13% of Android phones and that makes it the most used Android version. Android 10 came with an improvement of the following Navigation User experience, Privacy, and security (Encryption/Scooped storage/TLS), and platform.
Android 11: Android 11 is the latest Android version and it was released on 8th September 2020. Android 11 was developed by the Open Handset Alliance led by Google and modifications were made in the following areas: Privacy and Security, Platform, Accessibility, and User experience.
The world of technology is dynamic and things can change within the twinkle of an eye so ensure that you stay up to date because more android versions would be released in later years.