Stingy Women Association of Nigeria -The meaning of SWAN and its origin


Stingy Women Association of Nigeria -The meaning of SWAN and its origin


One of the most interesting places to be on or be a part of social media is the Nigerian Twitter community. The Nigerian Twitter community happens to be one of the most active and engaging communities online worldwide. The Nigerian Twitter trends record that there is always a new topic trending online every thirty minutes.

Except there is one which is of utmost importance that can last for days or hours. With this, Nigerians took to their Twitter handles to come up with a trend; this time, the trend was more like a battle between the male and female folk. The SMAN and The Stingy Women Association of Nigeria (SWAN). These two equally birthed other associations we will get to know when we read further.

During the famous #ENDSARS protest in October 2020, the Nigerian Twitter community was able to call the world’s attention by making the topic trend number one worldwide. This is to show exactly how dominating, and influential the Nigerian Twitter community is.

SWAN: The Stingy Women Association of Nigeria, commonly known as SWAN, is an organisation formed by Nigerian women after the Stingy Men Association Of Nigeria was formed. The organisation was formed with the motto “Don’t Open”.  On the other hand, SMAN is an association of Nigerian men. The Stingy Men Association of Nigeria with the motto; Don’t give sh shi. “Shi shi” is a Nigerian slang which means  “nothing”, nothing with emphasis to show seriousness.

 SMAN trended all over the Nigerian social media by mostly young bachelors. The organisation aims to help men stop the habit of spending money frivolously on Nigerian women. The association would rather have men spend money on themselves and on reasonable investments than have women be the first users of their money. The association had top Nigerian celebrities such as Don Jazzy, Rudeboy and others as members.

The members of the association did not stop at making the organisation trend for days on the media but also went as far as printing ID cards, T-shirts, making memes, making videos of them being stingy to the female folk, creating a Twitter page and as petty as making custom padlocks for their pockets, wallets and every other safe place a man’s money can be kept.

All of this was made for members as proof of membership. The cards were both hard and soft copies. Fans took it upon themselves to sign their celebrities up on the organisation. An example of such happened with Reno Omokri, when one of his fans took it upon himself, made and printed an ID card for him.

The celebrity wondered if he was stingy and deserved to be a Patron as he was tagged in the organisation and on his card, considering the fact that he does regular giveaways for his followers on his Twitter and other social media platforms. Reno was picked because he is known to warn and advice young men against the habit of spending money unnecessarily on women who are not their mothers, wives or sisters and leading a more responsible life.

Also as a response to this, other male associations such as Godly Men Association of Nigeria, Sugar Daddies Association of Nigeria and others were formed by other Nigerian men who did not like the idea of having a locked hand towards women.

The Sugar Daddies Associaton came up with their motto, which reads as thus: Your Happiness is our Concern. This is telling the women outrightly that a group of generous men are willing to spend on them, no matter the cost.

 Some men believe there is no amount of money asked of them by their women that will make them go broke or neglect her. Some even believe that the money they have and make daily is for the sake of the women they love, making them happy and seeing that they are comfortable.

What is Stingy Women Association of Nigeria (SWAN)?

 Getting to find out the mission of SMAN, the Nigerian women gave an immediate response to the organisation. In a bid to show their relevance in the lives of the Nigerian men, the Nigerian women came up with the name of their own association, SWAN which means Stingy Women Association of Nigeria, with the association’s motto which happens to be “Do not Open”.

This means that since the men have decided not to be open-handed or generous with their money, the women will deprive the men of sex with every chance they get. The women association also did not stop at trending for a while on the media, and they also went as far as making ID cards with a few female celebrities on their side. Some of these celebrities include; the famous Toke Makinwa, Tiwa Savage, DJ Cuppy, and others.

Despite their response by forming an organisation, the Nigerian women were trolled on social media for having just sex to offer in a relationship. While some women gave reasons for being members of the organisation, others were ashamed and pointed out that a woman ought to have more than just sex to offer a man she is in a romantic relationship.

The women strongly believe that it is almost an impossible task for men to control their libidos. Well, this is exactly what the men are trying to prove wrong. The men on their part insist that if sex is the only thing the women have to deprive them of, then the SMAN Nigeria has every reason to thrive, while men save and use their financial resources for more profitable and reasonable things.

As a response to this, the women are also pained at how the male folk has just financial support to bring to the table in a relationship.

Relationships ought to have more value than the things we see around us, more than things we can touch. Relationships have more to do with knowing why you have a person in your life, cheering and giving them moral support at every chance, encouraging, pushing and being motivators for each other at every time the need arises. It’s also giving financial support.

Financial support shouldn’t come from the men alone. Some women record more income than their men, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. All you need to do is provide the support to the best of your ability every time the need for it raises its head.

Everyone is an asset and shouldn’t be objectified by just the fact that just men or women. You will be amazed at the potentials your partners possess if only you pay more attention to their acts, routines and sometimes complaints.

Anyways, that was just an aside of what romantic relationships should be, rather than what pop culture has thrown right into our faces, made us believe and we are comfortable living with everything given to us, redefining our lives and making us put people second or third place when they should be a priority. Well, back to SWAN.

In a bid to prove the relevance of the women association and the presence of women in the lives of men, some women took to their social media handles to show how they did not give food to the men in their lives and perform other acts of kindness for them which happen to be more of house chores. This was done to show that they were making progress in their commitment to the team as members.

Stingy Women Association of Nigeria (SWAN) also has a Twitter handle, where some women make a mockery of men, who in their own words, “have fallen and are frustrated at how they are being deprived of sex from their women”. As a result, the women believe that the SMAN and all it stands for holds no water since the men can stoop as low as breaking the organisation rules right after it was formed.

The men also tried to prove that food isn’t a problem for them, that they can cook whatever meals they desire or even visit an eatery. One of the objectives of the SMAN is to show men how to shop for a large number of food items with only a little amount of money. All of this is to prove to the Stingy Women Association of Nigeria (SWAN) that the male folk can certainly do without them and that the place of a woman can be easily dispensible.

 Even if we know how untrue this is, the place of a man in a woman’s life and vice versa is completely unavoidable, highly encouraged and cannot be overemphasised. Isn’t the need for companionship the reason people get married every other Saturday? Just the way a baby needs the presence of a mother to grow and be in good health so does a man need a woman who he claims to be in love with.

This is also applicable to the female folk. Women need men in their lives more than anything else. We can affirm that most times, the presence of the one we’re in a romantic relationship with can be more satisfactory and fulfilling than any other person, sometimes even more than a family member.

Sometimes, all we need is to have that special someone talk to or even listen to our complaints and cry on their shoulders as people we’re in love with. That alone goes a long way in our healing process. Valentine’s day is fast approaching and what better way to show the one person you truly love that they mean the world to you.

Even if the Nigerian men have come up with an association to help them keep their money, as Nigerians and women who know their men love them, with past events as proof, it is obvious the Nigerian men will do anything to leave their women happy. The Nigerian men will comfortably go against their membership oaths and rules to see their women happy, yes, the Nigerian men are that generous, *winks*.

Even some married men will tell you that one of the best decisions they have made as married men is to leave their wives in charge of their money. Yes, there is a tendency a woman will need one or two expensive items, but a woman can comfortably save your money for you, especially when you make it known that you have a project ahead. A woman who loves you will help you keep your money.

When a woman truly loves you, she wants to see that you do not spend money on things that will yield little or no result. A woman who loves you will work to see that you invest your money in things that will yield amazing results. Why on earth would you want to keep or hide things from such a person? Someone who has your financial interest at heart, not for selfish purposes but for reasons that you will never regret in the nearest future.

Men, especially the Nigerian men, need to identify who is out for what they can gain and who is out to see that they do well in their businesses. Nigerian women will go any length and make sacrifices to see their men happy. If anything, keep your money with your woman. Maybe that is just too much but do not make money decisions without discussing with her, especially if you love her and know she feels the same way about you.

Conclusively, both associations, as formed by Nigerian youths, prove that Nigeria is endowed with human resources. How the youths were able to form associations, gather members in a couple of minutes, and drive the organisations’ purpose and the mission was quite admirable.

Though an avenue to have fun and unburden, the fact that the associations could creatively print cards, shirts and even have members run with the missions was something Nigerians of great repute thought to consider as fascinating.

Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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