Types of Diet in the hospital and 3 Non-therapeutic diet


Types of Diet in the hospital

The hospital is a place of recovery and wellness in the body. In other to achieve wellness, diet(food) has to be monitored. Most people have lost their chances of surviving and recovering due to the diet they consume in the hospital.

Definition of diet

Diet is the food we consume daily in addition to the mental and physical situation surrounding the eating of such food.

Types of Diet in the Hospital

There are mainly three types of diet in the hospital. They are normal diet, Special diet or non – therapeutic diet and therapeutic diet.

Normal diet

Normal diet is just the normal meal or food that enhance the development and proper functioning of cells, tissues, systems, and body organs of the body. It supplies the body with the necessary and required energy for the day’s activity. It also maintains an individual’s total well being.

A normal diet has all six classes of food in its appropriate portion. Therefore, it can also be called a balanced diet. The quality and quantity must be to the consumer’s taste. On the contrary, it varies base on the individual’s age, choice and health.

Non- therapeutic diet or special diet:

Non- therapeutic diet or special diet is not really different from the normal diet. The only difference is its form and content. Its types include a fluid diet, a soft diet, and a light diet.

  1. Fluid diet as the name implies is liquid in nature and almost 90 percent water. It usually consists of nourishing beverages like Milo, Milk, Ovaltine, etc. Fruit juice made from fresh fruit and not the processed ones. Custard and pap can also be added. This diet is mostly given to patient with oral cavity problems, fractions in the jaw. In addition, patients feed through the nasogastric tube (nose) or oesophageal tube (esophagus).
  2. A soft diet comprises food that can be easily swallowed without any obstruction. It should not be bony, therefore, all the bones in the fish should be removed. In fact, the meat and fish should be minced. Cow skin should be very soft. Rice, beans and yam should be cooked to a pudding or mashed. Vegetables should be cut well or preferably liquidized. Spicy food and fried food should be part of soft diet. Soft diet is usually given to patient who have difficulties in chewing and swallowing and children who do not have teeth.
  3. Light diet is usually given to patients that(a) have just undergone surgery, those that have just regain their appetite, those that have difficulty in breathing, and patients with fever. Light diet are easily digested and have enough nutrients. The following are food that can be used in preparing a light diet: egg, sieved vegetable soup, soft bread, agidi, soft boiled rice, yam, potato, pap. Light fruit-like paw – paw. Fried food, peppery food, onion (raw) should be avoided.

Therapeutic diet

A therapeutic diet is a diet that is specifically used in the treatment of diseases. It involves either a reduction or increment in particular nutrients. For instance, a patient that needs to gain weight will be placed on a high calories diet. A person that lacks blood would be asked to take more of vegetables. Certain classes of food are being modify to suit the patients’ needs. It takes into consideration food allergies.

IGBAJI U.C.https://igbajiugabi.com
Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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