AutoCAD: Accelerate Your Drawing With These Keyboard Command Shortcuts
Handling the AutoCAD drawing interface with only the mouse effect can be time-consuming and boring. Imagine having to go through all the clicking processes to save a job when there’s clearly a Ctrl + S to the rescue. This article will provide a comprehensive list of all the keyboard shortcuts required for AutoCAD.
AutoCAD is a commercial software used for computer-aided design (CAD). Initially launched in 1982 as a desktop microcomputer application with built-in graphics controllers. It can create and modify geometric models with almost limitless potential to develop various structures and objects.
AutoCAD is an efficient tool for designing and editing digital images and designs in both 2D and 3D. It is widely considered the standard software in various design-related industries, including architecture, engineering, product design, manufacturing, construction, and more.
List Of AutoCAD Commands Shortcuts:
General Drafting Shortcuts
Ctrl+E | Cycle isometric planes |
Ctrl+H | Toggle Pick Style |
Ctrl+Shift+H | Toggle Hide pallets |
Ctrl+I | Toggle Coords |
Ctrl+Shift+I | Toggle Infer Constraints |
Ctrl + D | Toggle coordinate display |
Ctrl + G | Toggle grid |
Ctrl + F | Toggle running object snaps |
E | Remove objects from a drawing |
x | Breaks down a compound object |
D | Create and modifies dimension styles. |
J | Join similar objects to form one object. |
G | Create saved sets of objects. |
Z | Zoom |
Q | Saves current drawing |
ESC | Cancel current command |
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Screen Management Shortcuts
Ctrl + 7 | Open markup set manager palette |
Ctrl + 8 | Open quick calc |
Ctrl + 1 | Open property palette |
Ctrl + 3 | Open tool palette |
Ctrl + 9 | Open command-line |
Ctrl + 6 | Open DBConnect Manager |
Ctrl + 4 | Open sheet set palette |
Ctrl +2 | Design centre palette |
Ctrl + 0 | Clean screen |
Manage Drawing Shortcuts
Ctrl + S | Save drawing |
Ctrl + P | Plot dialog box |
A | Draw an arc with three points |
B | Open block dialogue box to make a block |
BO | Draw a boundary |
I | Insert a block into a drawing. |
C | Draw a circle |
EL | Draw an ellipse |
PL | Draw a polyline |
REC | Draw a rectangle |
O | Offset an object by the distance |
DT | Single line text |
RAY | Construction line in one direction |
DO | Draw a solid donut shape |
F | Draw an arc between two intersecting lines |
ML | Draw multi lines |
POL | Draw a polygon |
L | Draw a line |
| Open drawing |
Ctrl+Page Up | Switch to previous tab in |
Ctrl+Page Down | Switch to next tab in current drawing |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Switch to previous drawing
current drawing |
Ctrl+Tab | Switch to next |
Ctrl+N | New Drawing |
Ctrl+Shift+S | Save drawing as |
Ctrl+Q | Exit |
Toggle Drawing Shortcuts
F1 | Display help |
F2 | Toggle text screen |
F3 | Toggle object snap mode |
F4 | Toggle 3DOsnap |
F5 | Toggle isoplane |
F6 | Toggle dynamic UCS |
F7 | Toggle grid mode |
F8 | Toggle ortho mode |
F9 | Toggle snap mode |
F10 | Toggle polar mode |
F11 | Toggle object snap tracking |
F12 | Toggle dynamic input mode |
Manage Workflow Shortcut
Ctrl+A | Select all objects |
Ctrl+X | Cut object |
Ctrl+C | Copy object |
Ctrl+Y | Redo last action |
Ctrl+X | Cut object |
Ctrl+K | Insert hyperlink |
Ctrl+Shift+C | Copy to clipboard with base point |
ESC | Cancel current command |
Ctrl+Z | Undo last action |
Ctrl+[ | Cancel current command (or ctrl+\) |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste data as block |
3-Dimensional Shortcuts
UC | Display UCS manager dialogue box |
Box | Draw a cube |
UCS | UCS command-line options |
VPORTS | Open viewport dialogue box |
SL | Slice a solid |
Cylinder | Draw a cylinder |
IN | Intersect an object |
WE | Draw a wedge |
RR | Open render dialogue box |
REV | Revolve an object about an axis |
EXT | Extrude a face |
3D | Command line 3D solid potions |
TOR | Draw torus shape |
SE Section | Draw torus shape |
SU | Subtract selection from solid |
Formatting Shortcuts
LT | Open line type manager |
LA | Open layer manager |
TP | Display tool palette |
TS | Open table style dialogue box |
LW | Open line weight settings dialogue box |
MA | Match properties of an object |
LTS | Change the line type scale |
SSM | Open sheet set manager palette |
BE | Open the edit block definition dialogue box |
ST | Open text style dialogue box |
AP | Open application load dialogue box |
OP | Launch options dialogue box |
D | Open dimension style manager dialogue box |
DC | Open the design centre |
BH | Open hatch and the gradient dialogue box |