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Body Metabolism – 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Body Metabolism - 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
Body Metabolism - 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Increasing metabolism is the weight loss community’s holy grail, but the rate at which your body burns calories depends on various factors. Some people have a quick metabolism by genetics.

Even when they are sleeping, men typically burn more calories than women. And after the age of 40, metabolism generally begins to slow gradually.

There are other ways to boost your metabolism, although you have no control over your age, gender, or genetics.

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Boosting your metabolism can help you burn calories more efficiently, which can aid in weight loss and overall health. Here are some ways to boost your metabolism:

1. Build Muscle

Even when you are not doing anything, your body continuously burns calories. People with more muscle have much higher resting metabolic rates.

While each pound of fat only burns 2 calories daily, every pound of muscle uses about 6 calories daily to maintain itself.

Over time, even a small difference can add up. Your body’s muscles become active after a strength training session, increasing your metabolic rate on a daily basis.

2. Step Up Your Workout

Although aerobic exercise may not result in bulky muscles, it can speed up your metabolism after a workout. To succeed, you must exert effort.

Compared to low- or moderate-intensity workouts, high-intensity exercise causes a greater and longer increase in resting metabolic rate.

Try a more challenging class at the gym or incorporate brief jogging intervals into your daily walk to reap the benefits.

3. Fuel Up With Water

Water is required by your body to process calories. Your metabolism may slow down if you are even slightly dehydrated.

According to one study, adults who consumed eight or more glasses of water each day burned more calories than those who only drank four.

Before every meal and snack, sip a glass of water or another unsweetened beverage to stay hydrated. Also, instead of pretzels or chips, munch on fresh fruits and vegetables, which come naturally hydrated.

4. You Should Try Energy Drinks

Some components in energy drinks may speed up your metabolism. They contain a lot of caffeine, which makes your body use more energy. They occasionally contain the amino acid taurine.

Taurine can increase metabolism and possibly aid in fat burning.

But for some people, using these beverages can lead to high blood pressure, anxiety, and sleep issues. For children teenagers, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not advise them.

5. Snack Smart

Increased calorie consumption can aid in weight loss. Your metabolism slows down between meals when you eat large meals with a lot of time between them.

Your metabolism runs more efficiently throughout the day if you eat a small meal or snack every three to four hours.

Additionally, numerous studies have revealed that people who frequently snack eat less at meals.

6. Spice Up Your Meals

Spicy foods contain natural chemicals that can accelerate your metabolism. Your metabolic rate can be increased by cooking with a tablespoon of chopped red or green chili pepper.

Although the effect is probably only temporary, eating spicy food frequently may have long-term advantages. Add red pepper flakes to stews, chilli, and pasta dishes for a quick boost.

7. Power Up With Protein

Protein causes your body to expend many more calories in digestion than fat or carbohydrates. Lean, protein-rich foods can increase metabolism at mealtime if some carbs are substituted for them as part of a balanced diet.

Lean beef, turkey, fish, white meat chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products are all excellent protein sources.

8. Sip Some Black Coffee

If you drink coffee, you probably appreciate the benefits for your energy and focus. A temporary increase in your metabolic rate may be one of the advantages of coffee when consumed in moderation.

When you exercise, caffeine can make you feel less exhausted and even improve your endurance.

9. Recharge With Green Tea

The benefits of caffeine and catechins, which have been shown to stimulate the metabolism for a couple of hours, can be obtained by drinking green or oolong tea.

According to research, consuming 2 to 4 cups of either tea may encourage the body to burn 17% more calories for a brief period of moderately intense exercise.

10. Avoid Crash Diets

Crash diets, or eating less than 1,200 calories for women and 1,800 calories for men each day, are bad for anyone hoping to speed up their metabolism. Although these diets may aid in weight loss, good nutrition is sacrificed in the process.

Additionally, it backfires because losing muscle can slow your metabolism. Your body ultimately burns fewer calories and puts on weight more quickly than it did before the diet.

Fitness Mistakes – 17 Fitness Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Workout

Fitness Mistakes - 17 Fitness Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Workout
Fitness Mistakes - 17 Fitness Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Workout

Fitness Mistakes – 17 Fitness Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Workout

Fitness mistakes refer to common errors people make when attempting to improve their physical fitness, health, and well-being. These mistakes can occur in various areas, such as exercise, diet, and lifestyle habits, and can hinder progress, lead to injuries, and affect overall health.

Fitness Mistakes

Here are some common fitness mistakes that can sabotage your workout:

1. Just Do It … Right

Exercise can give you more energy, improve your physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as improve your social and romantic lives. Five days a week for 30 minutes is advised by experts. But beware of a few traps that might cause you to cause more harm than good.

2. You Bail Out

Skipping workouts “just because” can be detrimental, especially if you’re following an exercise regimen. You may also lose some of the progress you’ve made, which will make it harder for you to achieve your goals.

3. You Have A Meal Right Before

Your body will be digesting food if you eat within two hours of working out, which will prevent blood from getting to your muscles as well.

This may hinder your ability to recover from exercise and cause cramps and nausea.

Try a healthy alternative like oatmeal, Greek yogurt and berries, peanut butter and banana, or a handful of nuts or raisins.

4. You Don’t Warm Up

Saving a few seconds by starting your workout without warming up is a bad idea. The warm-up is necessary for your body to increase its core temperature, start the blood flow, loosen your muscles, and increase your range of motion.

It can be as easy as 5–10 minutes of brisk walking, jogging, or biking. Don’t stretch before warming up, please.

5. You Bounce When You Stretch

If you move around while stretching, you risk injuring or tightening your muscles. Continually maintain each for 20 to 30 seconds.

There is a type of stretching called ballistic stretching that involves bouncing, but you shouldn’t attempt it without first consulting a qualified trainer or coach.

6. You Don’t Have Good Posture

This could hinder your progress and cause you to stumble or injure yourself. For instance, take care when using equipment like a treadmill, not lean on it.

And when lifting weights, make an effort to maintain a straight back and relaxed shoulders.

Avoid locking your knees as well.

7. You Hold Your Breath

You might be doing this unknowingly. But it’s crucial to focus on your breathing.

Your body can only receive so much oxygen when you hold your breath. You could faint if you hold it for too long.

Take a deep breath before beginning a set when lifting heavy weights, and then gradually let it out as you go.

8. You Slack On Your Form

This may limit your range of motion and prevent you from aiming at the proper places. It might weaken you and harm your muscles. Before advancing to heavier weights, start with lighter weights and work on your form.

9. You Stray From Your Plan

You might be tempted to try too many things too soon when you’re just getting started. Overwhelming yourself can lead to doing too much. Before you begin your workout, make goals and decide which muscle groups to focus on.

10. You Ignore Your Limitations

Avoid attempting to lift more weight than you are capable of. Both you and your technique run the risk of being hurt. When you decide to add more weight, do so gradually until you feel comfortable.

11. You’re Too Competitive

It’s normal to want to compare yourself to others but resist the urge to alter your workout or try to lift too much weight to keep up.

Since you don’t know their background or level of expertise, it is best to respect your boundaries and concentrate on your objectives.

12. You Socialize Too Much

Even though the gym is a great place to meet new people, chatting while exercising might not be a good idea. It’s best to focus on what you’re doing and keep conversations between sets or exercises to a minimum.

Before or after the session, you will have plenty of time for that.

On the other hand, you’re probably not overdoing it if you can carry on a normal conversation while exercising.

13. You Go Heavy All the Time

Even if you aim to gain strength, you should vary your exercises by performing more repetitions with lighter weights and fewer repetitions with moderate or heavy weights.

Every time you train, using heavy weights can prevent you from gaining muscle and increase your risk of injury.

You could mix up your workouts with days that involve moderate, heavy, and light weights.

14. You Only Do What You Like

You must work out all the muscle groups, even though you may prefer some exercises over others and are probably best at them.

It can be difficult for them to recover if you consistently target the same people. Try to concentrate on various areas and improve each of them.

15. You Don’t Take Water Breaks

Staying hydrated is crucial to keep your body cool and your blood flowing. Before working out, drink water, then 6 to 8 ounces for every 15 minutes of exercise, and then more.

16. You Don’t Know When to Stop

Despite the adage “No pain, no gain,” serious pain may indicate that you are using too much weight or that it is time to stop.

Injury can result from pushing through.

It’s typical to feel sore for a day or two after working out when you first start. If it persists longer, you should probably make some reductions.

17. You Don’t Cool Down

As soon as you’re done, gently stretch before leaving. This can assist in returning your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate to normal. Your muscles may lengthen and stretch more readily if you stretch them while warm and receiving blood flow.

Studying Mistakes – 6 Common Studying Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Studying Mistakes - 6 Common Studying Mistakes And How To Fix Them
Studying Mistakes - 6 Common Studying Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Studying Mistakes – 6 Common Studying Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Some teenagers are too confident in their ability to learn when they enrol in college. They might not be worried about how they would perform in their university classes because they may have always been good students.

So whenever they received their first subpar midterm grade, their confidence would always crumble. Typically, they are unable to comprehend what had occurred. How did this happen? Why didn’t my typical study strategies for me work?

Your university work is intricate and demands critical thinking. It is no longer sufficient to know the textbook by heart.

Studying Mistakes

Here are 6 common studying mistakes that I’ve learned to avoid

1. The Marathon


You settle into a convenient study location and don’t get up. You don’t even consider taking a break because it would be unnecessary time-wise. Do you not realize that the exam is in 48 hours?


You won’t learn much whether you do this because you believe it to be effective or because you waited until the last minute.

For the brain to properly process information, it must rest. The key here is to plan. Determine when you should begin studying each section of the material by working backwards from your deadlines rather than just concentrating on them.

In contrast to cramming, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and more capable of learning the material. Try the Pomodoro technique if you really need to get things done (hey, it happens to everyone): 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off, with a longer break every 4 circuits.

Over extended periods of hard work, it prevents you from becoming worn out and keeps you feeling refreshed.

2. The Full-Page Highlight


Even though you try to study by reading the textbook, you always underline everything and forget everything.


It turns out that passively reading a textbook again is not very helpful. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re paying attention to the material just because you have a highlighter in your hand.

Taking notes while you read will force you to choose which passages are important enough to remember, which will help you learn how to read actively.

Make flashcards or come up with practice questions. You are more likely to remember the information if you use all five of your senses while studying.

Consider the themes your professor might ask about and create some potential outlines if your exam includes an essay portion. You’ll be in the right frame of mind even if your practice questions don’t actually appear on the test!

3. The Multitasker


You attempt to work on assignments for all of your classes at once by alternating between them frequently. This one comes up a lot during finals.


Actually, multitasking is a really bad skill, people. Our brains never have time to fully adapt to working on the two tasks we appear to focus on simultaneously because we are switching between them so quickly.

Regrettably, advance planning is the only way to avoid this one. Plan your study time and decide which days you’ll focus on which subjects.

As a result, you’ll be able to process the information more quickly than you would if your focus were divided between multiple tasks, and you’ll feel more confident about what you’ve learned overall.

4. The Media Frenzy


You text friends, check ten different social media sites, watch Netflix (or worse), listen to loud music, and study while your phone buzzes on your desk every five seconds.


SHUT. IT. DOWN. It’s simple enough to become sidetracked without adding to your own disturbances.

Turn off your phone, avoid using the internet unless it is absolutely necessary, and reduce background noise. If you must use the internet, use apps like StayFocusd or Freedom to stay focused.

Avoid music you like to sing along to or heavy rhythmic tunes; low-volume coffee shop buzz and instrumental (preferably classical) music are fine. I enjoy working while listening to movie scores.

5. The Solo Mission


You only study in solitude and refuse to ask anyone else for help.


While studying alone is acceptable and even preferred, having others to bounce ideas off of can be incredibly beneficial (even over Zoom!).

Persuade a friend or member of your family to let you “teach” them the material; when you attempt to explain a subject to an illiterate person, your understanding gaps will become more evident.

Most importantly, use your professors to your advantage and contact them if you have any questions. You won’t regret it.

6. The Full-Out Panic


You suddenly realize how much work you must do and completely freak out, ripping up pages and curling into a ball under your desk.


Go on a break. Eat a nutritious snack, stroll to clear your head, stretch your sore muscles, or take a deep breath. Oh, and perhaps substitute water for the coffee. Everybody experiences moments of overwhelm; occasionally, it takes a little time away to clear your head.

Studying Tips – How To Study For An Exam On A Time Crunch In 3 Steps

Studying Tips - How To Study For An Exam On A Time Crunch In 3 Steps
Studying Tips - How To Study For An Exam On A Time Crunch In 3 Steps

Sometimes exams come on quickly, and the time you thought you had to prepare for them vanishes.

Here are some steps you can take to concentrate and make the most of your studying if you find that you only have a short amount of time (possibly due to a busy exam schedule).

Step 1: Prep the environment

Determine the location and procedures for your exam and replicate them in your study space. This may entail putting your phone away, turning off the music, and donning earplugs.

Take a few deep breaths before starting your study session to induce calmness and focus, just as you would during an exam.

Step 2: Review

Figure Out How Much Time You Have For Each Topic

  • Set aside time for each chunk of the material after dividing it up
  • Include breaks and some time in the end to test your skills.
  • Choose the topics you want to focus on the most—if the exam is cumulative and you already took a midterm for the course, give the post-midterm topics top priority (but don’t forget to go over the solutions!).

Revisit The Learning Objectives

  • Find the course’s primary goals by consulting the syllabus.
  • Review the key ideas related to these learning objectives because you’ll probably be tested on them.
  • Practice responding to questions pertaining to these goals on paper or, as we’ve found helpful, aloud.

Quickly Look Through Your Notes And The Lecture Slides

  • Concentrate on the testable material (i.e., what was covered in class); do not simply read your textbook again.
  • If you didn’t take everything down during the lecture, quickly review your notes or open the slides.

Devote More Time To Concepts You’re Not As Comfortable With

  • Don’t waste time on details that won’t be tested or aren’t important to the big ideas.
  • Create brief reminders for yourself regarding items you might have initially forgotten.
  • Mark any questions you have and the ideas and information that confused you.
  • Search Piazza (if your class uses it) to see if another student has asked the same question after you’ve gone through all the course material or gone over troublesome areas with a friend.

Pro tip: Make a list of the errors you made while answering practice questions to ensure you don’t repeat them. List any material you missed while studying as well. Return to this piece of paper to review before your test!

Step 3: Practice

Do The Sample Exams If They’re Provided, And Time Yourself

There’s a reason that this is our top tip in this section. If you only have time to do one thing, you should do the sample exams and review the answer key.

Do past exams if you can; they’ll show you which concepts typically get tested and how you might perform on the actual final. Past exams are likely to be similar to what you will encounter. Compare your responses to the answer key.

Pay close attention to the questions you find most difficult. Ensure you comprehend the ideas behind them by reading your notes again, asking the professor or teaching assistant for clarification, or asking a classmate.

Revisit Past Problem Sets And Quizzes

If you still have time (or if you don’t have sample exams):

  • Redo problem sets
  • Add to the list of questions that threw you off

If Your Exam Is Open Book...

  • Quickly review the texts and notes so you can remember which section to refer to during the exam.
  • For easy access, make a table of contents for your texts.
  • In particular, load sample solutions to problems that stumped you the first time you tried to solve them (or print them out for faster flipping).

Bonus Step: Think About How You Think

What study techniques have been effective for you in the past? How do you learn best?

According to studies, students with higher levels of metacognition—a greater awareness of one’s learning process—perform better on tests than students with lower levels of metacognition.

Choose the study method that will be most successful for you because those who are successful for someone else may not be as successful.

Important Things To Remember 

After studying for an exam on a time crunch, there are several important things to remember:

1. Get up regularly to get your blood moving and prevent burnout

Get up and engage briefly in light exercise every 40 to an hour. Utilize a timer! This can be as simple as stretching or a few jumping jacks—anything to clear your mind and wake up your body. Hey, regular exercise can actually help you retain information better.

2. Get enough sleep

Information is easier for you to remember (so that your hard work is not wasted!) and when you are well-rested, you will be able to think more clearly during the exam. Don’t neglect your sleep!

3. Take a break right before the exam

Give your brain some time to rest by stopping your study 30 minutes before the test. Huge hugs, and know that you did the best you could with the time you had.

Peter Obi’s Statement –  “We Will Look Into Every Peaceful And Legal Option To Reclaim Our Mandate.

Peter Obi's Statement - 
Peter Obi's Statement -  "We Will Look Into Every Peaceful And Legal Option To Reclaim Our Mandate.

Peter Obi’s Statement –  “We Will Look Into Every Peaceful And Legal Option To Reclaim Our Mandate.

While Obi finished third place by polling 6,101,533, Tinubu raked in 8,794,726 to emerge the winner of the keenly contested poll.

The presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Mr Peter Obi, has faulted the conduct of the 2023 general elections, citing irregularities in the just concluded exercise.

Following the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)‘s announcement of the results on Wednesday, Obi, 61, was defeated by Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC) of the ruling party by almost two million votes.

Tinubu won the hotly contested election with a total of 8,794,726 votes, beating out Obi in third place with 6,101,533.

On Thursday in Abuja, Obi spoke at a press conference: “Have we really spent billions on this? Instead of announcing what we announced, we ought to have done something else with those billions.”

The former governor of Anambra insisted that he had won the presidential election on February 25 and would use every legal strategy to reclaim the office.

The LP presidential candidate claims that last Saturday’s election fell short of the requirements for a free and fair process.

He continued, telling his supporters to remain composed and that their support would not go in vain.

Obi stated that he and his team are dedicated to improving Nigeria and expressed hope that the legal system will assist him in reclaiming the mandate that was wrongfully taken from him.

He described the outcome of the presidential poll as unfair, vowing to challenge the result in court.

“We will look into every peaceful and legal option to reclaim our mandate. We will demonstrate to Nigerians that we won the election.

When Obi appeared before the media for the first time following the election umpire’s declaration of a winner, he said, “I am challenging the process,” in front of a room full of journalists in the capital of Nigeria.

“This is very unfair. It is the least expected of Nigeria,” he added.

Obi observed a minute of silence for each person hurt or killed during the February 25 election right at the start of the briefing.

Julius Abure, the party’s National Chairman, and Akin Osuntokun, the director general of Obi’s presidential campaign, are also present at the briefing.

He also said he and his running mate, Datti Baba-Ahmed, remain committed to a new Nigeria.

Court Order – Supreme Court Faults CBN Naira Redesign Policy, Says Old Notes Remain Legal Tender

Court Order - Supreme Court Faults CBN Naira Redesign Policy, Says Old Notes Remain Legal Tender
Court Order - Supreme Court Faults CBN Naira Redesign Policy, Says Old Notes Remain Legal Tender

Court Order – Supreme Court Faults CBN Naira Redesign Policy, Says Old Notes Remain Legal Tender

On Friday, the Supreme Court overturned the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) naira redesign policy, which had recently plunged the country into economic anarchy.

The country’s highest court ruled that the policy violated the 1999 constitution and ordered that the old N200, N500, and N1000 notes continue to be in use until December 31, 2023.

The decision prevented President Muhammadu Buhari and the CBN from implementing the naira redesign policy to its full extent.

The court issued a restraining order against Buhari, preventing him from withdrawing the old N200, N500, and N1000 banknotes that are still in use, in its decision on the lawsuit brought by 16 states and led by Governors Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State and his counterparts in Zamfara and Kogi States, Bello Matawalle and Yahaya Bello.

The Supreme Court found that the President “did not follow the provisions of the constitution before implementing the policy” in the ruling read by Justice Emmanuel Agim.

According to the court, the National Economic Council and National Security Council were not consulted before the policy was implemented.

As a result, the court decided that both the old and new banknotes could be used until December 31, 2023.

Malam Nasir El-Rufai, the governor of Kaduna State, and the governors of Zamfara and Kogi states, Bello Matawalle and Yahaya Bello, respectively, filed the original lawsuit contesting the policy, demanding an extension of the February 10 deadline set by the CBN to end the legal tender status of the old notes.

States like Lagos, Rivers, Cross River, Ogun, Ekiti, Ondo, and Sokoto joined as co-plaintiffs at the first hearing before Justice John Okoro on February 15, while Bayelsa and Edo States joined as respondents on behalf of the Federal Government.

As more states desired to participate in the case, the number of co-plaintiffs gradually increased to sixteen.

The Supreme Court, a panel of seven justices chaired by Justice Okoro, postponed the case during the preliminary hearing until Wednesday, February 22, and then again until March 3, when the final decision was rendered.

In the heat of the debate, Buhari, in a speech on February 16, gave a directive that the old N200 notes would be reissued to run alongside the newly designed notes in a bid to douse tension caused by the policy.