Body Odour – 5 Food That Causes Body Odour In Women 


Body Odour – 5 Food That Causes Body Odour In Women 

As a lady, smelling nice gives extra credit to your personality, but bad body odour does the opposite for you. Body odour can greatly tarnish your image as a young lady, which must be avoided.

You must avoid body odour as a lady who wants to protect her self-esteem. Although body odour often comes without warning, it can greatly affect the appearance of the person involved, which is why this must be avoided.

You should know what body odour is all about, but if you don’t, we’ll extensively discuss it in this article.

What Is Body Odour?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Body odour is an unpleasant smell on a person’s body that is caused by sweat. This means that most of the time, people’s body odour is more pronounced when sweating.

But is our sweat what causes the body odour? The answer is No. 

A person has body odour when their sweat mixes up with bacteria.

Sweat itself doesn’t smell, but when the bacteria on your skin mix with your sweat, it causes an odour. Body odour can smell different depending on the person.

Body odour is not directly associated with those who sweat profusely because they usually don’t have body odour. This is because body odour results from the type of bacteria on your skin and how it interacts with sweat, not the sweat itself.

Knowing the causes of Body odour and how to prevent it is crucial as a lady.

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Causes Of Body Odour

Body odour causes are some of the most overlooked things, and they often end up causing them. Here are some of the causes of Body odour and they include the following:

  1. Bacteria infection
  2. Food
  3. Certain medication
  4. Exercise 
  5. Hot weather
  6. Having overweight/obesity
  7. Genetics
  8. Stress or Anxiety

These are a few likely causes of body odour that we have today.

Food That Causes Body Odour In Women 

Having food as one of the predominant causes of body odour, it is very important that, as a lady, you know what to eat and what not to eat to prevent body odour. As exaggerated as body odour is, it can be prevented by avoiding certain foods as a lady.

Eating healthy is important, and when planning what not to eat, consider these foods. Food that causes body odour in ladies include the following:

  1. Asparagus
  2. Cruciferous Vegetables
  3. Alcohol
  4. Garlic and Onion
  5. Seafood

1. Asparagus

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Asparagus is a food rich in sulfur compounds that can make you smell when and after using the restroom. The alarming thing about this food is that it works on some and doesn’t work on others. The good thing is there is no clinical problem if you do or you don’t have or smell the odorous urine. Although this food is a very healthy diet, it is advised to be eaten occasionally.

2. Cruciferous Vegetables

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Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. These vegetables are very high in fibre, which our bodies don’t easily digest. However, they are a good source of fibre and should be watched when consumed.

3. Alcohol

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Heavy drinkers are believed to have a higher rate of getting bacteria than abstainers. Our bodies metabolize alcohol into acetate, which has a signature sweet smell. The more you drink, the more acetate your body will produce. This contributes to greater body odour. People can breathe out the odour, secreted into a sweat. This is why abstinence is important.

4. Garlic and Onion

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Garlic and Onion are foods that, when consumed, are evident in a person. Garlic and onion contain a sulfur-like compound that has a long-lasting impact on consumers, especially when consumed excessively. It is best eaten in moderation

5. Seafood

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Some persons smell like fish after eating seafood; that is a disorder called Trimethylaminuria. Trimethylaminuria is caused when an individual’s body cannot break down trimethylamine.

People with this disorder may need to avoid seafood and other foods that contain precursors to trimethylamine, such as eggs, liver, legumes and milk from grass-fed cows.


The likelihood of having body odour as a lady can be prevented. Body odour has a stigma that can psychologically affect your personality, especially for ladies.

Having the right knowledge on body odour and what not to do can help you stay healthy and maintain proper hygiene as it concerns your health.

We have listed out some of the food to avoid or take in moderation in order to prevent body odour.


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