Dealing with menopause: ways forward



The human body grows and changes from the day of birth till death. Women especially have a significant period of change ranging from puberty to dealing with menopause.
What Menopause is about: Menopause is a transitional stage that every woman experiences at the age of forty-five to fifty years of age. Over the years, researchers have agreed that the age of menopause has reduced to early thirty-five. The consumptions of food fasten the growth and maturity of the body.

Menopause is the final cessation of period or menstrual flow in a year. Over one million eggs are contained in a woman’s ovaries. The number of eggs continues to drop until the puberty stage. At each menstrual cycle, over a hundred eggs are lost. Therefore, menopause begins when the eggs get exhausted. Before menopause sets in, there is a stage that signals it. It is known as a climacteric period. During this climacteric period, the oestrogen and progesterone secretion drops.

When the ovarian follicles stop ripening, Menstrual flow becomes irregular i.e may occur once in the space of two to three months. The reduction in oestrogen release triggers the production of gonadotrophic hormones. Gonadotrophic hormones then bring up symptoms of menopause. The organs in the pelvic cavity (vagina, uterus, cervix, etc) experience various changes.

What triggers early menopause:

– Hereditary: In a case where the mother transited to menopause early, there is a tendency that the daughters may transit to menopause early.
– Ladies who smoke are liable to clock menopause early.
– Women suffering from hypertension also transit to the menopause stage rapidly.


Ufere Anthony (2005), says symptoms of menopause can be grouped into vasomotor changes, emotional disturbances, sexual problems, gastrointestinal symptoms and musculoskeletal related symptoms.

Vasomotor changes consist of hot flushes: Hot flushes are the feeling of heat on the face, neck and chest for about four minutes. At this point, the woman experiences a quick discomfort in the body. Sometimes, hot flushes comes with the urge to vomit and dizziness. Hot flushes is usually experienced six weeks after the last menstrual flow. It occurs time to time during menopause. Reduction in the circulation of oestrogen contributed to hot flushes. Hot flushes lead to anxiety and disturbances on the woman.

Excessive sweating during night even when the weather is cold. Breast becomes tender.
Insomnia – this is the inability to sleep.
The pubic hair becomes thin.
Increase in bone loss.
The labia may likely shrink
Itching in the vagina
Dryness of the skin

The secretion or discharge from the breast ceases thereby causing infection to the breast.
Emotional disturbances include lack of concentration or focus, mood swings, and lack of motivation or energy.
Sexual proy incly reduction in sex drive, pains during sex because the vagina becomes dry.
Gastrointestinal problems include constipation and the inability of eating well.
Weight gain, urinary incontinence, mood swing, pains in the joint.


Menopause is a natural stage that can be experienced through comfort and ease. This can be achieved through good nutrition.

Menopause reduces or stops the secretion of the oestrogen and progesterone hormones. Therefore, they should be a form of replacement. This can be done by eating phytoestrogen food. Soybean is rich in phytoestrogen. It should be consumed very well by women approaching menopause and those in menopause. There are phytoestrogen drugs in the drug store.

Active exercise will be helpful too. It makes the body flexible.
There should be an increase in the consumption of calcium-rich foods. These include seafood like crab, oyster, lobster, crayfish, etc.
Vitamin D supplements should be taken too.
Take good measures to prevent or control diabetes.
Avoid strenuous activities.

This therapy helps women during menopause, it is called Hormone replacement therapy which can also be called postmenopausal hormone therapy. This therapy is used to reduce or minimise the symptoms and issues regarding menopause. It replaces hormones that are not produced as a result of menopause. The therapy can be in form of drugs( tablets, gels or vaginal treatment).

A doctor must be consulted before adopting any of the therapy because it works for various age ranges and health conditions. Hormone replacement therapy may be accompanied by pains in the head, skin colour might change, fever, fewer cramps, increase appetite, swollen legs, feet, and hands because of fluid retention.
Another therapy is known as Vaginal Oestrogen therapy. The aim of this therapy is to reduce vagina dryness.

Conclusion: Menopause is not the end of life for women. With the tips, one can deal with it well.

Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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