Period And Acne – Causes And 5 Tips For Controlling Acne Breakouts During Period.


Period And Acne – Causes And 5 Tips For Controlling Acne Breakouts During Period.

Females tend to experience anxiety and lack confidence towards their appearance when developing acne before and during their menstrual cycle. It is common to follow a skincare routine consisting of face wash, moisturizer, toner, and oils, but despite these efforts, the skin can still break out during menstruation.

Acne Face Map: The Cause of These Breakouts – Cleveland Clinic

What are the underlying factors that trigger this acne?

One of the reasons that cause acne breakouts is the fluctuations in hormone levels. While testosterone levels remain stable throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease as the period approaches.

Therefore, during menstruation, testosterone levels may be higher compared to estrogen and progesterone. In addition, the middle of the menstrual cycle, when progesterone level is high, contributes to increased sebum production.

Stacey Shillington, a skincare coach and naturopathic doctor, explains that this form of acne appears either a few days before or after the onset of menstruation. It usually occurs around the chin and jawline and tends to be deeper cystic acne, which cannot be treated by surface-level methods such as washing your face.

Shillington emphasizes that the acne is more severe than other types and requires more intensive treatment.

Although preventive measures for acne breakouts may not be effective for all girls, there are still various ways to manage the problem. Natural remedies are available and can be easily implemented without incurring high costs, making them accessible to girls of all ages and backgrounds.

These measures can help control acne outbreaks and are within our control.

Tips For Controlling Acne Breakouts

1. Eat Lots Of Fruits And Vegetables:

Consuming a healthy diet is an essential strategy to prevent hormonal acne. Consuming a significant amount of fruits and vegetables is advisable to improve the skin’s condition. Some fruits contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat acne.

Similarly, consuming more antioxidants through vegetables can benefit the skin, especially for individuals with acne issues. A diet abundant in antioxidants can minimize mild to moderate acne symptoms.

2. Avoid Sugar And Dairy:

Disproportions in blood sugar can result in hormonal disparities, particularly elevated testosterone and androgen levels. This is typically observed in individuals diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Insulin is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. When there are imbalances in blood sugar, the hormone encounters difficulties in meeting the body’s requirements, leading to less reactive cells.

3. Detox Your Liver:

When the liver contains toxic substances, it loses its ability to function properly. During detoxification, these harmful substances are released through the skin. If someone has acne, it may be due to a hormonal imbalance caused by liver dysfunction.

The liver’s inability to function properly can lead to excessive production of sebum or skin oil, resulting in clogged pores and acne.

4. Shower After A Workout:


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