Who Is A Gen Z – Meaning, Characteristics And The Future Of Gen Z


Who Is A Gen Z – Meaning, Characteristics And The Future Of Gen Z

Talking about what you understand about Gen Z can leave most people embarrassed about what they say. Gen Z is not a new term to society, but very few know what Gen Z is all about.

A glance into society gives you different notions people share about the Gen  Z generation. But are these notions true? Find out in this article.

According to the Britannia, Gen Z is a term used to describe people born during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some sources give the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years spanned are sometimes debated because generations and their zeitgeists are difficult to delineate.

This term, Gen Z still has a voice and an effect on society. Do you want to know why? Read on.

Who Is The Gen Z Generation? 

Gen Z are those born between 1996 and 2010. The digital age, climate anxiety, a shifting financial landscape, and COVID-19 characterise this generation. They are the first generation to grow up with the internet and are called the ‘digital natives.’

Gen Z is the second youngest generation between the millennials and the Gen Alpha. Certain behaviours are unique to the Gen Z generation, just like any other generation.

Gen Z was born under the raging crisis of the world, such as climate doom, pandemic lockdowns, and fears of economic collapse. All these helped shape the Gen Z generation and how they perceive things.

Gen Z covers a wide range: the older Gen Zers most likely have jobs and mortgages, while the younger ones are still preteens and would most likely be in the labour market soon. Globally, Gen Z is growing fast: Gen Zers will make up a quarter of the population of the Asia–Pacific region by 2025.

Unique Characteristics Of Gen Z 

As each generation has features/characteristics that are unique to them, so does the Gen Z generation, and we’ll look into them. Distinctive characteristics of the Gen Z include the following:

  1. They are the first digital natives
  2. They Prioritize saving money
  3. They Are Prone To Anxiety/ Mental Health Issues
  4. They shape their values through social media
  5. They might define AI adoption

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1. They are the first ‘Digital Natives’

Gen Z are the digital natives of today as they were born when there was robust technological advancement, unlike their counterparts, the millennials, who were the native pioneers of technology.

The technological world the Gen Z were born into has both positive and negative effects on them, as they now solely depend on social media for various things.

On the plus side, an abun­dance of infor­ma­tion is at their fin­ger­tips, allow­ing Gen Zers to broad­en their knowl­edge, access resources, and be proac­tive in their learn­ing.

2. They Prioritize Saving Money 

While the millennials were born into the economic boom of their time, the Gen Z’s were born into the Great Recession of the economy, putting their families under pressure and disarray. This and some other factors shaped their mindset on spending and assets in general. They are financially conscious and prioritize savings a lot.

3. They Are Prone To Anxiety/ Mental Health Issues

Sadly enough, the Gen Z generation is sometimes seen as the ‘loneliest generation’ because of how much screen time they spend online. Time spent online can fos­ter feel­ings of iso­la­tion, stress and depres­sion, among oth­er men­tal health issues.

They are faced with the online trap of ​com­pare and despair” that social media presents and, in most cases, fall prey to them. This heightens the level of stress they go through and opens them up to various mental health issues.

4. They Shape Their Values Through Social Media 

As those born into a technological age, the Gen Z generation tends to cultivate and build their value system from social media.

Social media, being a very solid platform where Gen Z get access to all kinds of information, has shaped the beliefs of many Gen Z’s and has also become a platform where they get to share their own cultivated opinions on life.

This becomes a continuous cycle as many use this platform judiciously to air their view.

5. They Might Define AI Adoption

The outburst of AI in 2023 came with mixed feelings about its intention. But the Gen Z generation quickly adapted. AI technologies were one of the ways to test the resilience of this generation in trying out new things, and they did well.

Gen Z adopted AI and has been recorded as using it more than other generations. They mostly use AI tools like ChatGPT, Google Bard and Bing AI Chat to attend to various things.

The Future Of Gen Z  

As a generation committed to the values they’ve built and their different craving for innovation and equality, Gen Z generate considerable stand out and makes a name for themselves.

This generation has utilized social media platforms to facilitate self-expression and branding, leading to more social connections.

To some, technological advancement can lead to the displacement of human effort. Still, to Gen Z, it is only a tool for achieving greatness as these AI tools are greatly deployed for various reasons to achieve overall productivity.

The Gen Z generation is faced with lots of challenges like mental health issues and climatic changes, amongst others. However, they are still one of the most empowered generations that are leading in global change all over the world.

There’s far more to Gen Z than stereotypes may suggest. They’re carving their path in a very uncertain world, juggling their desire to seek adventure wherever they can with their need for stability by saving for a rainy day.


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