ASCL Scholarship For Entrepreneurs – Africa Thesis Award 2023
Table of Contents
The objective of the award is to inspire students to conduct research and write about Africa and advance the study of African cultures and societies. Each year, a student who has completed their Master’s thesis based on research conducted on Africa is recognized with this award.
The recipient receives a prize of €500, and their winning thesis is published in the ASCL’s African Studies Collection. Additionally, all submitted theses will be accessible in full text online through the ASCL’s library catalogue.
About African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL)
The African Studies Centre Leiden is the sole academic institution in the Netherlands that focuses exclusively on studying Africa from a multidisciplinary perspective. It boasts a remarkable library accessible to everyone, not just students and scholars. The ASCL operates as an interfaculty institute within Leiden University.
Africa Thesis Award
Category | Entrepreneurs |
Organisation | African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) |
Country to study | – |
School to study | – |
Course to study | Not specified |
Application Deadline | August 31, 2023 |
Aim And Benefits Of The Award
The prize for the award is € 500,-, and the winning thesis will be published in the African Studies Collection of the ASCL.
Requirements For Award Qualification
Eligible applicants for the award are Master’s students who have completed their thesis at a university in Africa or the Netherlands from August 31, 2022, to August 31, 2023. In the Netherlands, applicants must have obtained an 8 out of 10 or higher grade.
Students from non-Dutch universities may apply if they have received a grade A (or its equivalent) and if their supervisor’s letter confirms the exceptional quality of the thesis and supports the grade received.
The Thesis
The thesis must be centred around independent empirical research focused on Africa and fall within one of the subjects specified in the subsequent section. Furthermore, the thesis should have been assessed within twelve months before the manuscript submission deadline (refer to the details below).
Submitting the thesis in English, French, or Dutch is acceptable. However, if the thesis is in Dutch, it must be accompanied by a five-page summary in either English or French.
- The Subject Of The Thesis
A thesis that explores socio-geographical, economic, political, juridical, or anthropological topics, as well as humanities subjects like history, religion, and literature, is welcome. However, it should not delve into language or semiotic studies.
The thesis should primarily centre around Africa or its migrant communities in other regions. The thesis must have societal significance.
- Quality Of The Thesis
The ASCL aims to attract theses that are exceptional in their subject matter and exhibit a strong methodological approach. The jury places importance on an innovative perspective and understanding and the research’s relevance to scientific comprehension of the topics explored.
Furthermore, the jury will assess the thesis’s significance concerning development-related matters, its style and readability, and its ability to captivate the general public.
See Also: PhD Scholarships For Africa – African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Program 2023
Interview Date, Process And Venue For Award
From the pool of submissions, a selection committee will create a list of three finalists. The jury will then choose the winning thesis from this shortlist. The award recipient will be announced and honoured at the Africa Thesis Award Ceremony in 2023, where they will have the opportunity to present their thesis.
Application Deadline
August 31, 2023
How To Apply
Suppose a student or supervisor believes their Master’s thesis deserves an award due to its exceptional quality and originality. In that case, they can choose to submit the thesis for consideration. Each submission must contain the following components:
- A digital copy of the thesis (to be transmitted via email)
- A concise overview of the thesis (maximum 500 words)
- A recommendation letter signed by the student’s supervisor, including the grade and specific information about the thesis’s quality and the educational institution where the student graduated from
Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please send all required documents to
For more details, visit the ASCL website.