EBSU Cutoff Mark – EBSU Departmental Cut-off Mark 2025/2026 (Jamb)


EBSU Cutoff Mark – EBSU Departmental Cut-off Mark 2025/2026 (jamb)

This blog aims to assist individuals inquiring about the departmental cut-off mark for EBSU. We will provide a comprehensive list of the departmental cutoff marks for all courses offered by Ebonyi State University and outline the fundamental prerequisites that must be met before admission consideration.

We intend to help numerous candidates preparing for the EBSU post-UTME screening exercise and those who intend to procure supplementary forms.

The General EBSU JAMB Cut off Mark 2025/2026.

In Nigeria, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has set a general departmental cutoff mark of 180 for all universities. This cutoff mark also applies to Ebonyi State University (EBSU), implying that candidates who selected EBSU as their preferred institution and participated in the JAMB exams are eligible to participate in the post-UTME screening exams.

EBSU Departmental Cut-off Mark

The general cut-off mark is not the same as the departmental cut-off mark. Although the available cut-off mark is uniform across all courses, each course has its own departmental cut-off mark, which varies from one course to another. Ebonyi State University has different departmental cutoff marks for its various departments, and this is used to select the best candidates. The departmental cutoff mark is usually influenced by the number of candidates applying for a particular course and their performance in the post-UTME exams. Below is the cutoff mark:



Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences (FBMS)

Medicine and Surgery



Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology

Nursing Science

2.Medical Laboratory Science=210


Faculty of Law (FLAW)

Civil Law

D.Faculty of Sciences
1. Computer Science=180
2. Biochemistry=180
2. Industrial Chemistry=170
3. Industrial Physics=170.
4. Industrial Mathematics=170

E.    Faculty of Education (FEDU) Arts and Social Sciences


1. Economics Education=170
2. Social Studies Education=170
3. English Education=170
4. Religion Education=170
5. Igbo Education=170

Business Education Options:

1.    Accountancy Education=170
2.    Secretarial Education=170

Science Education Options:

1.   Computer Science Education=170
2.   Physics Education=170
3.   Chemistry Education=170
4.   Biology Education=170
5.   mathematics Education=170
6.   Integrated Science Education

Cuman Kinetics and Health Education Options:

1.   Human Kinetics Education





2.   Health Education=170
Technological and Vocational Education Options:

1.   Electrical/Electronics Tech. Education

2.   Mechanical Technology Education=170
3.   Building Technology Education=170
4.   Wood Work Technology=170
5.   Agricultural Education=170
6.   Home Economics Education=170

Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Mgt. (FARM)

1.    Agric. Economics, Mgt. and Extension=180
2.    Food Science and Technology=180
3.    Crop and Landscape Management=170
4.    Soil and Environmental Mgt.=170
5.    Animal Science=170
6.    Fishery and Aquaculture=170

 Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS)

  1. Public Administration =                 180
2.   Business Management=170
3.   Marketing=170
4.   Banking and Finance=170
5.   Accountancy=170
C. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities(FSSC)
1.    Economics=180
2.    Political Science=170
3.    History and Int’l Relations=170
4.    Sociology and Anthropology=170
5.    Mass Communication=180
6.    Language and Linguistics=170
7.    Igbo Linguistics=170
8.    Philosophy=170
9.    Religion=170
10. French=170
11. Psychology=170

EBSU Nature of Admission Screening


After being granted admission to your preferred department, it is required that you accept the offer within a two-week period and make a one-time payment for the acceptance fee. Additionally, before attending faculty clearance, you should prepare the following listed documents.

All original credentials: WAEC, NECO and GCE or their equivalent

  1. statement of results of your O level results in the absence of the Original.
  2. jamb admission letter
  3. jamb result slip
  4. local government identification certificate
  5. Birth certificate or affidavit
Jael Okwuchukwu
Jael Okwuchukwu
I am Okwuchukwu Jael, a writer, educator, and musician from Enugu State. Teaching, both academic and musical, is a passion of mine, and I specialize as a Western pianist. Currently, I am employed as a blogger at Writer's King LTD, combining my love for writing and desire to share knowledge with a broader audience.


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