Toxic Comments That Can Ruin Your Relationship


Toxic Comments That Can Ruin Your Relationship

We may make some comments to comfort our partner without knowing that they are toxic comments that can ruin our relationship. Comforting and consoling your partner during emotional instability and showing them you care.

However, while you may be trying to calm your partner’s fears, using some comments that, in the end, will hurt your partner and ruin your relationship.

One should know that spoken words are powerful and cannot be reversed, especially in a relationship. They cannot only hurt one’s partner but also ruin the relationship.

Therefore, you should be aware of your toxic comments and when because they can hurt or ruin your relationship.

Toxic Comments

There are several toxic comments that we can make in a relationship that depicts our emotions, and they include being angry, sad, or expecting something from our partner but not receiving it.

Some of the Toxic comments that can destroy your relationship include:

1. “You Need to Calm Down” or “Calm Down”

You may intend to encourage your partner to stay calm, but this can be a toxic comment, especially when misunderstood.

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Your partner may take it as you do not want to give them a listening ear or that you are not trying to hear them out.

2. “It’s Fine

During communication between partners, this method of dismissal can hurt your partner and ruin your relationship.

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3. “Why can’t you be like … (someone else)”

Comparison and undermining uniqueness always tend to ruin relationships. They reduce your partner’s self-worth and create the impression that you prefer them to act like someone else.

This will make them feel you no longer love and accept who you are.

4. “If you loved me, you would have…”

14 Things Toxic Partners Say that Can Ruin a Relationship

This meant that you had expected that some conditions would be granted with love. Love is meant to be unconditional, and you shouldn’t use it as a medium to get favours from the one you love or blame them if your request is not granted.

5. “Just keep quiet and listen”, or “I don’t care about your opinion.”

Nothing hurts more than being in a relationship where you are not allowed freedom of speech and expression. It hurts when you want to express yourself, defend yourself, or narrate an incident to your partner, and you are yelled at.

This comment is very toxic in a relationship and can ruin it.

6. “It’s not like I lied.”

Trying to justify your fault, especially when it comes to lies, instead of accepting them can ruin a good relationship with your partner. Arguing about who it was, why you lied, or that it was not a lie will only break your relationship and hurt your partner’s feelings.

Admitting that you lied and it was wrong and pleading for forgiveness can help you regain your partner’s trust.

Checkout: 5 Bad Habits Men Should Immediately Stop Displaying In Relationships

7. “You’re good at nothing” or What can you do perfectly?”

This is one of the most dangerous and toxic comments that can ruin your relationship. It makes your partner feel less of themselves. Making your partner believe they have low self-worth will always hurt them, especially you.

Encourage them to keep doing their best, help them, and appreciate their efforts. This will tend to be what they value most.

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8. “It’s not a big deal.”

Your partner may use this phrase to make you feel better, but it can be irritating and infuriating sometimes. A man shouldn’t be too quick to say “it’s not a big deal” to his partner.

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Women tend to be more emotional and worry too much about nothing; making this comment will not make them feel better. Instead, try to share their worries and make them see why they shouldn’t make mountains out of Molehills.

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9. “Let it Go.”

This is one of the worst comments you’ll get from your partner; it will never make you feel any better. When your emotions are high, this comment depicts an uncaring partner uninterested in discovering what happened before advising you to let it go.

In every mood, whether happy, sad, angry, or embittered, we should be mindful of our comments to our partner. Our comments may hurt them, but they may not say it, which may destroy our relationship.

Some other times, you might be using these toxic comments with the aim of comforting or trying to calm their fears down.

You may also like to read about A Loving Female-Led Relationship: All You Need to Know plus 6 Tips on How to be Happy in the Relationship.

Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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