World News

Matter -Definition, stages, 7 state and examples

Matter -Definition, stages, 7 state and examplesIntroductionMatter is constituted of very small particles such as atoms, molecules and ions. It is anything that has...

Payslip – Meaning, format, 4 reasons for a payslip and example

Payslip - Meaning, format, 4 reasons for a payslip and exampleIntroductionNobody wants to work for free. Payday is the most exciting day for an...

TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS -4 steps to effectively plan your time

TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS -4 steps to effectively plan your timeTime management skillsEvery great achiever knows the value of time. In a fast-changing world where...

Stage fright -causes and how to overcome it

Stage fright -causes and how to overcome itSteps to Overcoming StagefrightLights! Camera! Action!One! Two! Go!These commands are quite common with performing artists. Singers, dancers,...

Goal setting- Meaning and 5 steps to setting achievable goals in 2023

Goal setting - Meaning and 5 steps to setting achievable goals in 2023IntroductionAt the beginning of every year, everyone wants to be productive at...

