Example of 7th Edition APA Reference Style


Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style


For some time now, referencing source material has been a problem for many in the academic world. In this article we will show you how to reference a source perfectly well using the latest edition of the APA style, the 7th edition.

What Is Reference In Writing?

A reference is a quotation or acknowledgement made to ideas or materials from other sources which are used in an assignment, research project writing, or journal papers, among others.

Why is Referencing a Source is Important

• It shows the extent to which the research was carried out.

• It gives credit to the authors of the material you got the ideas from.

• It allows the supervisor or reader to refer to any external material that must have been used in the writing.

Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style -Types of References

There are three types of reference styles namely;

• Documentary notes style

• Numbered style

• Author-date or parenthetical style

Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style

The 7th Edition of APA Reference Style is very simplified and easy to understand, we are going to see the an example of reference style in the 7th edition APA in different areas like;

• In-text referencing


• Paraphrasing In APA 7th edition

• Direct quotes in APA

• Table and Figures Referencing

• Secondary sources

In-text Referencing

APA uses the ‘author-date’ system, as such, the in-text references for all styles like journals, web documents and books; must contain the author (s) last name and year the material was published. A sample of an in-text reference in APA 7th edition is given below.

• First, the author (s) and year of publication must be included using round brackets

         Example : (Christian & Daniel, 2012)

• Secondly, if you happen to quote an author directly, you must include the paragraph number where the quote was taken or the page in your in-text reference.

Example : (Christian & Daniel, 2012,pp. 24-25)

Please note the condition that warrants the use of page numbers; it is very important.


DOI is an abbreviation for Digital Object Identifier. DOI is a permanent identification number that directs you to a document irrespective of its location in the internet. In the 7th edition of the APA Publication Guide, you will find a detailed explanation on DOI on pages 298-300. Unlike the sixth edition APA, DOI is number repented as links that will take you to the document a particular idea or material was taken from on the internet.

Example: https://doi.org/10.7748/phc.2016.e1162

N/B: A situation where the source you are referencing has a different format of DOI from the one given in the example above, you must represent in the format given above. It is advisable to always check the link to be sure it is working before submission.

Recommended: Example 7th Edition APA Paper format

Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style – Paraphrasing In APA

Paraphrasing said to be the summary of already written material and ideas of an author in your own words. Do not forget to acknowledge the main source while writing. The author’s last name and year of publishing must be included in a round bracket ().

Example : (Wole Soyinka, 2017).

Also you can also represent it this way; Wole Soyinka (2017). This style is usually applicable in the course of writing. There are different ways of citing a source material while paraphrasing, they are;

• At the beginning

Example: Wole Soyinka(2017) describes the surpassing states that sports men always experience…

• At the middle

Example:… views football as a game of passion (Arsene Wenger, 2016); it doesn’t matter if you lose or not.

• At the end

Example: the good life of man is the life of pleasure (Aristotle, 1958)

Remember that various referencing methods also stress an author’s importance and add more weight to the information.

Direct Quotes In 7th Edition APA Reference style

There are two types of direct quotes which are; Parenthetical and Narrative.

Parenthetical Quote: this type of quote involves using parentheses when quoting from the source material.

Example: “ the most pathetic person in the universe is the person who has sight but no vision”(Helen Keller, 2008)

Narrative Quote: in this type of direct quote, the author’s name is mentioned in the sentence.

Example: Helen Keller(2008) concludes that “the most pathetic person in the universe is the person who has sight but no vision”.

Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style -Citing Tables And Figures

When we talk about tables, we are referring to numbers or text that are represented in rows and columns, while Figures refer to drawings, graphs, maps etc.

N/B: Always number all figures and tables as they appear in the text.

         Make references to all tables and figures in the main body of the text

          Use numbers to refer to tables and figures.

Secondary Sources

In the 7th edition of APA, secondary sources are prohibited except for the unavailability of the original source. If, in the course of reading an article and you come across information you want to make reference to, first of all, locate the original source and make reference to it, but if the original source is unavailable, then make reference to the source you found the information from.

Example Of 7th Edition APA Reference Style -Conclusion

In this article, we have discussed in detail the various referencing styles in the 7th edition of APA, so familiarize yourself with these various referencing styles to know which one will suit your work.

IGBAJI U.C.https://igbajiugabi.com
Igbaji Ugabi Chinwendu, from Cross River State, Nigeria. As a Business Educator, he is profoundly interested in teaching and managing business. Started blogging 2010 and officially 2013. He holds the esteemed positions of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director at Freemanbiz Communication and Writers King LTD, demonstrating his leadership and expertise in the field.


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