How To Change the Default Search Engine on Chrome with Android Phone
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When you download Chrome or any browser, it comes with a specific search engine. Mostly Google is the most used search engine on Chrome. So, it is important to note that there are other search engines on Chrome for you to choose if you want.
In case you want to change to another search engine, this article has provided the steps on how to chang the default search engine on your android phone. So read on and make changes.
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How To Change the Default Search Engine on Chrome
Here is how to change the default search engine on Chrome
1. Open your chrome on your Android phone
2. Click on the three dots icon at the right side of your phone screen
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3. On the popup menu. click on “settings.”
4. In The next options, click on the “search engine.”
5. You can now find all other search engines. Click on any of the search engines and start doing your research to confirm it is the selected search engine that you are using.
Changing a search engine is usually by choice. Google is the most specific search engine that is used in Chrome. But if you want to change to another search engine, with the steps provided above on how to change the default search engine, you can make changes and confirm by researching on the same Chrome.