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Metaphor -57 examples and uses of metaphor

Metaphor -57 examples and uses of metaphorIntroductionA metaphor is a figure of speech, in which a phrase or word is used in a literal...

Elevator Pitch -example of elevator pitch, 3 elements; example for job seekers, students and businesses

Example Elevator PitchAn elevator pitch or statement is brief summary of a person’s educational and professional qualifications and achievements, as well as important information...

Examples of Essay Topics – 10 examples for expository, argumentative, descriptive and narrative essay

Examples of Essay TopicsWhat is an EssayAn essay as defined by Oxford dictionary is a piece of writing that describes, analyzes, and discusses a...

4 Types of Essay -Descriptive, Narrative, argumentative and expository Essays

4 Types of Essay -Descriptive, Narrative, argumentative and expository EssaysWriting in itself is an art of words; and just like any other art requires...

Growth and Ageing -2 major processes that occur during growth

Growth and Ageing -2 major processes that occur during growthGrowth occurs as a result of changes that happen in the body. From the zygote...

