Example of Entry Behaviour in Lesson Plan


Example of Entry Behaviour in Lesson Plan


A lesson note is a teacher’s guide to delivering a particular topic and an integral part of a lesson plan. The lesson note, though prepared by a teacher, is usually studied before a lesson period to keep a teacher on track and inflow while teaching during a lesson period.

In preparing a lesson note, there are steps and guidelines that a teacher must follow at the point of delivery. These steps all have aims a teacher hopes to achieve at the end of a lesson.

Some of these steps in the lesson note include the class of the students to be taught, the topic to be taught, the date of the intended lesson period, duration, which tells the allotted time given for a particular lesson entry behaviour, set induction, instructional procedure, this tells exactly the content of the lesson a teacher intends to teach.

The teaching aids are also an important part of a given lesson note; the teaching aids tell or give information about what tools a teacher intends to use in his lesson delivery. These items differ according to a subject or lesson but mostly have the textbooks, the board and the board marker present.

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The behavioural objective always indicated in the steps of a lesson note gives an insight on what a teacher is expected to have achieved in teaching at the end of a lesson. The body of the lesson note, which is the content carries detailed information about what a teacher intends to teach his students.

The summary is followed up, and the Evaluation/ class activity or assignment is that part of the note that assesses students’ knowledge of what has been taught in a class.

What is Entry Behaviour?

Entry Behaviour which happens to be an important part of a teacher’s delivery lesson note is that part of the note that states a set of students have prior knowledge about a subject matter. In pedagogy, a teacher is expected to deliver his or her lesson to students from a point of knowledge or awareness.

In lesson delivery, a teacher ought to dish out information from the known to the unknown. The entry behaviour is that part of the lesson note which involves information about skills, knowledge, context-relevant abilities possessed by the students that will help make delivery of a particular lesson or the teaching of a particular topic easy for both learners and a teacher, in the teaching-learning process.

A teacher usually implements the entry behaviour of a lesson at the beginning of a class or lesson period. It is most times a set of questions to be asked by a teacher, to gather information about past experiences of the students that can make the contents of a lesson easily comprehendible and relative to learners.

The entry behaviour in as used in a lesson note also makes for an easy transition of knowledge from known facts to the unknown, that is knowledge a teacher expects his students to have acquired at the end of a lesson period.

Example of Entry Behaviour

A simple way to structure the entry behaviour in a lesson note is to first consider the behavioural or sample objectives initially stated on the lesson note. The behavioural objectives in a lesson note state exactly what a teacher hopes to achieve at the end of a lesson period.

Another important factor to consider when setting the entry behaviour for a particular lesson in a lesson note is the level of the students to be taught. When this is considered, it will determine the kind of questions a teacher can ask, according to the students’ capacities.

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An example of an entry behaviour that a teacher can use is: Given that the students can identify objects, things, people, places and animals by their names, the students should be able to give a definition or have an idea of what the term “noun” means. An acceptable performance will be to; spot different objects in an environment and mention their names respectively.

After this is done, a teacher can comfortably say that the students have an idea of what a term means and can move on to give a more concrete definition of the term. Depending on what a teacher hopes to achieve and the content of a lesson, a teacher can as well teach the types, characteristics and use of nouns.

The entry behaviour as a step to the guide in a teacher’s lesson note helps a teacher know what point to start his lesson from and gives a sketch of what he is likely to have deposited in students at the end of a lesson.


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